Here's the result of a little experiment I did with my 2014 Prius 3: Eco mode: 55.7 mpg Default mode: 52.5 mpg Pwr mode: 48 mpg The above was done on the same 12.1 mile trip over the same route under basically the same conditions (wind and temp.) Love this car....virg.
Nice write-up Dave. I second Zhenya: the Prius is remarkable engineering in the areas that matter to me. Disclosure: I am NOT a car guy, but I really appreciate the Prius.
It's hard to imagine many Prius aficionados are 'car guys'. Don't they usually appreciate a finely finished machine? Does putting a cupholder where you'd normally have the center armrest (Prius) indicate a well-finished interior? Nearly a 12 inch vertical drop from the front edge of dr. seat to floorboard (in the lowest seat height setting ) while our 2005 Accord sedan is under 11 inch drop. Small mountain for my legs to get over to reach Prius pedals. Where does Toyota dredge up these interior designers? where is the craftsmanship?
I'm sure it varies. I meant that I could not care less how big the engine is, the 0-60 time, or the car as a symbol of whatever.
Oh shut up already and trade it in. You hate it, we get it. Most people love it. Stop threadjacking. This is about someone getting their new Prius and the joys about it. Not a place for you to whine and complain yet again about things you should have known before you bought it. And "$8K in depreciation" as you call it is your own fault and really not that much. You've been complaining for a long time, and perhaps a little lesson from the wallet would cheer you up. Trade it in, and be on your merry way. My car after 70K miles and 5.5 years has depreciated $2.5K. That's right. I was looking at a PiP out of curiosity and the dealer offered me $2.5K less than what I paid for the car 5.5 years and 70K miles ago. I don't like selling cars, I just accumulate them so we might add a PiP in the next month or so. That would be 3 Prius vehicles out of the 5 hybrids total, and an EV on top of that. If they sucked that bad, we wouldn't have them.
LOL. I can't say similar thoughts have not occurred to me too. His history is interesting. He bought a Prius, and didn't like it. Traded in (for a Honda, IIRC) Missed the fuel economy, and went BACK to Prius Grass is always greener on the other side kind of guy.
Not to throw gasoline on the fire, but this reminds me of a line from the movie GI Jane. I am here to stay. If you don't wanna be in my life, move out or ring out. - That's it. End of file.
That's ridiculous, even "car guys" can appreciate the Prius for what it is. Some of us are even at the stage in our lives where it's more important to be able to afford to take a road trip in a Prius than to sit at home looking at the gas-guzzler in the garage. We're looking forward to beginning our 6,500 mile road trip bright and early Tuesday morning. I also don't like where the cupholders are, but then I don't like them in the Honda Pilot or Hyundai Sonata either. And, neither my 1970 GTO or 1999 Montana had a console, much less cupholders. My Dakota has cupholders, but they are down on the floor and I had to modify them to make them more useful. I can appreciate the problem for someone on the short side, but my wife is only 5'3" and she hasn't complained at all about not being able to reach the pedals or her cup when she's driving. We did go for the model Four with the powered Softex seats though and maybe that makes the difference. Plus, it's not like seating and cupholders are hidden features. It boggles my mind that someone who likes their Accord would take a test drive in a Prius and then complain about such things after buying one. That is one of the most absurd things I've read here.
For my height, I am long legged and short - trunked. As far as I am concerned, every car seat is improved with a pillow
A keen eye? Come on. What you're saying with 2 of those photos is that the door armrest and console were just fine when you did your test drive, but over time you found them both to be too low, too hard and too uncomfortable and now you want to complain about the design and quality of the Prius compared to your 8 year old Accord that I think has a larger interior and gets less mpg. You didn't notice during the test drive that both were different than your beloved Accord? You didn't notice where the cupholders were and didn't put a cups in them to see how they'd work for you? We did. I just saw the interior of a Honda Civic on the news and the cupholders are in the same place. I guess that means the Civic is a poorly designed car too? A commercial for the Catch Caddy just came on and every car they showed had the cupholders in the same place as the Prius. I guess they're all poorly designed too. I can maybe understand that over time you have become unhappy with them, but to say you couldn't have noticed these things during your test drive seems absurd to me. When it comes to the door armrest, the first thing my wife said when she sat in the passenger seat was how much better the door armrest was for her compared to our van. We both put our arms on the console and were surprised we didn't bump elbows. We drove our rental over 1,100 miles to see how it would do on our road trips. We found that while the standard seats would work, we wanted better seats if they were available, so we moved up to a model with the power seats. In other words, we did what we needed to in order to make sure the Prius was going to work for us. If it hadn't, we would have looked for something else. I have no idea what the other 2 photos are trying to say. I guess the photo of the floor storage area is trying to say the sides aren't tall enough to hold all the stuff you want to put down there? If that's the case, is that something else you couldn't tell during the test drive? Could it be better designed? Maybe. But it keeps a few things from rolling around, so I use it for what fits. I also can't figure out what the photo of the all-weather mat on top of the carpeted mat is trying to say unless it's to point out where the fuel-filler door latch release is located. If you're trying to say it's hard to get to with 2 mats there, I can believe that. I take the carpeted mat out when I want to use the all-weather mat and I have no problem with the latch release. I guess I can buy that a less than 1" difference in seat height makes a difference for someone with short legs, but again, you didn't notice that during your test drive? It's kind of like some who don't notice how crappy the standard radio is until after they buy the car and get it home. I just don't get it. Why take a test drive if your not going to look at all these things before you buy?