I read a turn signal poll recently, wish I could find it, but the part that really amazed me was that 17% of the people polled said that NOT using their turn signals made lane changes more thrilling! :blink: I know in many areas, using your turn signal is a sign of weakness, but I agree: it SUCKS! :angry: I really love the people who deliberately don't put their turn signal on, until its too late for you to do anything about it, to keep you from turning in front of them. :angry: And then, there are the people turning while holding a cellphone to their ear with their left hand, so they *can't* flip their turn signals on because they don't have a free hand. Did I mention that you've touched on a sore subject with me? Jeff O., who uses his turn signals RELIGIOUSLY.
*People who fail to use their turn signals to indicate a lane change or an upcoming turn *People who speed thru school zones when there are obviously children all around *People who are so busy talking on their cell phone that they fail to look and see if they can make that lane change without broadsiding another car *People who take their cell phones into the restroom while they, um, do their business, and continue their conversation with the person at the other end *People who don't wash their hands after using the restroom *People who tailgate YOU even though there are several cars just ahead of you that are 'setting the speed' so to speak; even worse when it's an SUV or truck behind you, and you KNOW they can see the cars just in front of you and that it's not YOUR fault they're having to go soooo slooooow *This is mostly a local thing (and keep in mind that I'm 1/2 Mexican myself so this is not entirely a racial thing)...but there are A LOT of Hispanic folk that live in the neighborhoods near my office. At any given time there can be a many as 20 people (women, men, children, strollers-oh god the strollers ) crossing the street at the nearest intersection. But instead of walking when the signage says it's safe and ok to do so, they wait until the "Don't Walk" starts flashing and sloooowly make their way across the street, holding up traffic because they don't make it nearly halfway across before the lights change. Especially bad when it's a woman with a stroller and/or small children in tow. Even worse when they're jaywalking with their small children, and only ~50-100 feet from the nearest crosswalk. There was actually a family (women + 2 children) killed within the last few months when they were running across a very busy street (not at a crosswalk) at night. There was another instance where my dad was rear-ended because he was stopped at an intersection even after the light had turned green, because he was waiting for several people to finish making their trek across the street in the crosswalk in front of him and the person behind him was just not paying attention and assumed "GO" as soon as he saw the light turn green.
That's not a local thing. That's also becoming an "in" thing to do for the thug homies with baggy pants shootin' out attitude.
I have other too (since he's not here to read over my shoulder...) roomates. messy roomates. I always get the worse ones. People who can't drive. The ones who can't use a cell phone and drive at the same time. if the cell phone distracts you for some reason.. stop talking..and keep driving. When you can resume the conversation, do so. The person on the cell phone will understand you're trying to drive. Better yet, use a headset and never " get into" a conversation while driving. I have more but i have to go get ready for work... and deal with wrinkly dirty mo ney all day long :-\
And I pologize. Pet peeves are a little different than "I hate". Pet peeves have a small dose of "tongue in cheek".
I do not know Schmika, if that rant was tongue in cheek it was pinned to your cheek with a dagger! That last sentence in particular - spoken like the world's greatest jerk. Which you aren't - that title has already been claimed by someone else. But look at the absurdity of what got you bothered: if that lady in front of you had bought two more jars of pickles than she did, and three more bottles of wine, and paid with a credit card, you'd never have noticed the "extra" time. The time you spend in line is totally and completely arbitrary, yet you were impatient because someone's method didn't suit you for half a minute - a half minute that would have passed without a ripple in your serenity had it been the result of a few more groceries. And it was just half a minute fergawdsakes - not worth anyone's lather. You should have flirted a little with that lady while she wrote out her check: it would have made both of you grin. Mark Baird Alameda CA
Ya know, I have actually become more patient in this regard. I didn't get into a lather, I ddin't scowl...actually all I thought was "Eureka...a prius chat topic!" My DW says I am obsessed with PC anymore.......but what does she know. BOY, a guy can't even get some stress relief w/o getting someone upset. Do you WANT me to relieve stress while I'm WORKING for gawds sake????? The real important part of my OP is....GET RID OF PAPER CHECKS!!!!! They are the MOSY liklely way you have to get ripped off surrepticiously (sp?) But misinformation (it would be mean to say ignorance) holds the day. People get credit card fraud (not someone opening an account in their name but just making unauthorized charges) and yell ID THEFT!!!! Yet ALL of these victims are not out ONE RED CENT. Let your checking account be dipped into and say that.
Basically just inconsiderate people. Covers about 99% of the peeves listed here. Oh yeah. That, and all the freakin' interior rattles in my prius.
Argghhh. I co-managed an "alternative theater" for 11 years. Lots of cash register use. Many among our clientele were "new age", street people, Rocky Horror freaks, stonies, you get the picture. I NEVER saw someone take a billfold out of a pocket and give me reasonably flat bills. It was mostly: jam your hand deep down in a pocket, come up with a few bills, not just wrinkled but WADDED INTO BALLS, flip them onto the counter in front of me. In too many more cases than I should admit to, I'd deliberately (some might say "officiously" ) pick up the bills in a bunch (if there was more than one), thern put them back on the counter one at a time, smoothing out each one as much as possible in its turn, THEN putting them in the register. I never made a facial expression or eye contact, just acted businesslike. Often the impatient people in back of them got the message and started smoothing out their money.
People who pee on their hands, thus having to wash them after using the restroom. (that is an old joke) You know what bugs me? People who don't put the carts away. They don't put them in the cart corrals. Even when they park right next to them. They just shove their cart next to another, or in front, or worse, right behind another car. Carts scratch cars, and I don't want mine scratched, so I park far away from other cars, which means more exercise for me, which is a good thing, so.... never mind.
Yup, I think that boils down about 80% of my pet peeves....no awareness/concern of their environment, or the other people around them...the check thing, walking in middle of an aisle/sidewalk/parking lot. Throwing trash in the road, etc. It all ticks me off. There's little that makes me feel more ashamed than to discover I've impeded someone else while doing something of little or no import. Now, if what I'm doing is important I'll obstruct some jerk-off just in a hurry with no guilt whatever, but I hate to be the one to interfere with someone elses activities if mine are minor.