Hello everyone i just picked up my 2013 prius persona last tuesday and love everything about it other than the factory sound.... It actually hurts my ears after listening for over 10 mins. My question is this what should i be looking for in a speaker if I'm just wanting to run them with the stock setup?
Odd. Unless you are accustomed to high-end sound systems, most STOCK sound systems blow old car audio away. What kind of problem(s) are you having in sound reproduction that it hurts your ears?
With the default settings on my Prius (not a Persona), the excessive bass triggered an occasional an inner ear spasm. I have an inherited ear condition that easily triggers motion sickness, but also doesn't get along well with some heavy low tones. The bass adjustments had to be turned down. In this case, loud bass didn't mean good bass. I suspect someone tried to use software to make up for hardware inadequacies. But there are plenty of other issues that could be hurting your ears.
They just sound like tin cans. As if it has no mids all highs and some lows. And I have messed with the audio settings it's got to be the speakers. I did have an after market system in my truck but I actually like the locations of the prius speakers better. Just need to change them out I guess. They seam loud enough for me. I just don't want to get some aftermarket speakers that need not power than the stock unit can push.
I'm not going to argue this. I think people have a wide and diverse amount of expectations concerning their vehicle sound system. I guess I'm getting old. But I don't need my vehicle audio system to be able to shake the ground. And perhaps my hearing is just getting dull enough that I can't really make out a great distinction anymore. So I get to enjoy the savings that comes with really not wanting to upgrade, nor being able to really appreciate it even if I did. I would guess, if the OP wants to keep the stock system and just try new speakers, it's just going to be a matter of trying higher end quality aftermarket speakers. But I would also guess, that within the arena of DIY'ers, the recommendation is going to often be.....a lot more involved than just trying new speakers.
I have a 2013 persona and believe it or not the head unit is made by harmon kardon. I also thought the sound was awful but knew it is not the speakers. I bought an Alpine INE-Z928HD with perfect fit kit. I also installed the least expensive alpine back up camera. The install was a little challenging but went together well. The result is great sound (did not replace speakers) and really good NAV. The back up camera video is amazing (you can also play DVD'S ).
I've owned three Prii over the years and each has had varying levels of poor sound but I'm okay with that. The other day I visited a quality audio shop looking for recommendations to improve the sound (In my old Gen II I'd added an amp, sub, new speakers and Dynamat). For the reasons below, he advised against spending any money and by raising the treble a few clicks, mids one click and backing off the base, it sounded better for my use. Without remediation the cabin noise in a Prius is factor against great sound and as someone who listens to XM 95% of the time, the audio source works against high-quality sound. That said, if you are going to make as large a purchase as the Alpine, why wouldn't you upgrade the speakers - even nominally? IMO, they are the weakest link.
I have noticed that the reception for the radio and sat stations are not very good. Both for different reasons. But all have the same issue and that's vocals the vocals sound tinny. I went to a local sound shop just the other day and I think I'm going to just upgrade the door speakers to a low power level good quality speaker to start and go from there.
Answering your question about replacing the speakers. At some point I will replace the speakers but the head unit replacement for me was huge. Now that I have a head unit that has a decent amp in it and low total harmonic distortion the speakers sound quite good. You would be very surprised at the sound quality. Also the Alpine NAV is very easy to use and map updates are done by usb (no charge). Priuslovers.
Look for reasonable efficient speakers. The factory head unit isn't very powerful. I would not consider any speakers under 90db efficient. You can do pretty well for under $200. All of my speakers cost about that. The dash speakers are the most critical to the overall sound. You might want to look at weasel.com: 2012 Toyota Plug in Prius Stereo to see what I did, and to see pictures of just how crappy the OEM speakers are.
Well I just learned why the stock sound is to bad in our cars. It turns out that the factory head unit flattens the signal sent to the speakers because the speakers are so cheap they can't handle the frequencies for good sound. This explains why priuslovers head unit upgrade helped out so much. This video is what helped explain things to me so ill post it for others to help them understand the issues at hand.
I don't doubt that the head unit screws with the frequency response. That is why the JBL MS-8 has a cd that is played through the head unit, and is used to remove the equalization. However, paying $279 for the taco tunes unit, seems a bit expensive. I only paid $400 (on sale) for my MS-8 and it includes 8 channels of amplification, and microphones to calibrate the speakers in the car. Even not on sale, it is about $500. It is also a lot less bulky than the recurve ezq plus an amplifier. It is the digital era, and equalization should be done by a DSP, not by a bunch of analog filters in a big expensive box.
I agree with you the video was just to provide info not to sell a product. This video answered a lot of questions to my issues's so I was just providing the answer to the reasons the issue is there.
I feel the same way about the stock system in my car. After upgrading the system in my summer driver this year, the poor quality of the stock system became much more apparent, to the point where I wasn't really enjoying music in it anymore. It's a lease, so I don't really want to spend any money on it. That said, I just this week made a rather amazing discovery. I purchased an HRT iStreamer to install in the other car. This is an outboard DAC takes the pure digital signal from the iPhone and feeds it into the auxiliary input. I decided to try it out in the Prius before installing it permanently in the other car. Frankly, it makes a HUGE difference. No, it's still far from great, but at least I don't cringe as I turn up the volume. The sound becomes much more focused and the ability to discern individual instruments is greatly improved. It actually makes this system sound something like music. The bad thing is that you have to use the aux jack, which means you lose album art, headunit control, etc. But at least this unit still charges the phone and pauses the music when you turn the car off. With the Prius's center console it makes installing this dead simple if you don't mind it sitting in the cubby under the armrest. I'm still considering upgrading the speakers in this car, but I really can't believe how much this helped the sound.
Picked up my first Prius yesterday and drove the 8hours home. Agree the stereo is awful (only listened to FM radio). Mine is the factory Nav. Going to listen a bit longer but my first thought is there needs to be a sub installed because the mid-bass and below is non-existant. I wouldn't change door speakers. From past experience replacing factory speakers with high end has limited result unless you change the speaker environment - ie how it's baffled to the door and addition of sound deadening. Strangley, it's easy to make a system sound worse by installing high end speakers.
after crunching numbers aka the budget lol. i have decided on aftermarket speakers either polk or alpine still not sure which yet. BestBuy is having a sale on polk right now so i might go that route. when mounting them ill probably do some kind of homemade baffle. and then ill be getting a mini amp that can run off stock power and wires even the factory speaker wires. its called the Alpine KTP-445U Power Pack and only runs 150 bucks. i am thinking this setup in all I'm going to need to be happy with daily driving. if i go with the Polk speakers i can get everything for about 330.00 after tax.
got the front door speakers installed using the stock speaker as a bracket. sounds much better just underpowered at the moment. next ill be looking for some 3 1/2 for the dash then the Alpine Ktp-445u install.