And, as a bonus, have you ever towed your Prius with your Tacoma? I have a '10 Prius and a '13 Tacoma. Haven't had to tow the Prius, but I do have a car hauler trailer that could. 10x bonus points if you post a picture of your Prius being towed by your Tacoma.
I traded in my 2013 Tacoma for the 2014 Prius V, I had some rust problems with the Tacoma after a brutal winter in DC area. My past experience with the 99 Tacoma where great until Toyota ended up buying it back. It seems that they have not resolved this problem as of yet. bout minivan? Anyway one Prius and one bigger hauler vehicle can make sense for many families and probably meet the 2025 CAFE standards. We have a lot more miles on the Prius and that saves fuel cost and maintenance on the other vehicle.
I had a 1997 Toyota Tacoma from 1999 - 2013. Great, reliable vehicle, perfect size pickup. In later years, it sat much of the time and got all the dirty jobs. Sold to family due to vehicle reduction. In the past year and a half, we haven't missed having it. My Prius has taken up the slack. I transported two sets of mounted wheels and tires, eight total, in my Prius Sunday. The little car that does.
Prius 2014 & Trailblazer EX 4WD 2006. Grandchildren (8), teach skiing, etc. Prius used for everything else (245,000 on 2006 Prius).