Just came back from our local Whole Foods. Was amazed to see 6 new Priuses (Prii) all parked in this lot of about 300 cars at the most. The best thing was that they were paired together. Of course, I noticed this while I was leaving and didn't catch up to any of the other owners. So, I quess that can count as a Central Jersey Meet up, although we never really met?
I have it on good authority that the Priuses prefer meeting without us around. Seems they compare notes on owners as much as we do about them...
Florida Prius Meet (with the ~10 owners too) Saturday, March 25, 2006, 9:00am - Dusk Ft DeSoto Park, North Beach, Shelter # 3, Pinellas County, Tampa Bay, south of Tampa (Post from www.PriusOnline.com) HIVOLTAGE Joined: 03 Sep 2005 Location: -CROOM- []Posted: Yesterday at 1:14 pm Post subject: FLORIDA PRIUS MEET.....VITAL STATISTICS [] OK Peeps, We have half of shelter # 3 located on "North Beach" of Ft DeSoto park reserved for this Saturday. I will arrive early to "stake the claim". I will be bringing enough hamburger, hotdogs and kielbasa to feed "Marchena's prius soldiers". Someone is bringing a large bag of charcoal and lighter fluid.
That's why you want to carry a pack of little flyers that point to PC and other resources -- they might not know, but when they find the helpful little pointers you've left under their wiper they might come join us here. . Riding the delicate balance between "building community" and "littering" ... . _H*
We just print business cards that point to our OCPrius.com website which list PC and lots of other resources when we have "those" meetings in the parking lots. Our whole group puts them (cards) on the driver's side window, so the driver will see them. Every notice they seem to congregate together? I must admit I see more everyday- Fry's Electronics (big computer store) is a great gathering out in Orange County- they seem to congregate there all by themselves....grin
I agree with Hobbit's suggestion, but maybe reduce the paper size. Print a few pages of "business card sized" PC announcements, cut them and have on hand for those parking lot moments. Under the wiper, or in the driver door weatherseal. Each card could be personalized, like "Invited by Tochatihu" (this is what my cards would say). All that's needed is a spiffy design...