Crossing hot, dry western Nebraska , we were assaulted by debris blowing across the road. When we stopped we found that our Prius was either eating or smoking the remnants of a tumbleweed. Well, what kind of a weed did YOU expect a Prius to be smoking?? Shame on you!
We had a bunch of days like this last autumn: And here, you can smoke as much of the MJ type as you want legally.
Is that tumble weed? That looks so dangerous. Like Kenny says, I'd be very nervous with that against my house, esp if it's a wooden house. How do you get rid? I guess you can't just have a bonfire
Not my house, but it was like that all over the place for a while. We had lots of road closures and lane closures on major A-level roads because the tumbleweed would blow over, hit the concrete divider and then start taking up the whole lane. They blow away eventually or lots of bulldozers were used. It is so dry here, you wouldn't want to burn them. We have a wooden house, with wooden shakes, surrounded by trees and when we get a forest fire it is a scary thing. Firefighters don't fight to save the house, they consider it already lost. They just try to prevent it from jumping the main road which would end badly for many more people.
Did you know that tumble weed is not native to USA? I believe it comes from Russia but I may be wrong.