Hi guys, I know it must have been discussed before but I failed to find any related topics. I have imported a 2010 Prius from Japan and want to change the engine oil. How much engine oil is required i.e. where should the oil level be on the dip stick.
On the top dimple. If you take your dipstick out and let it rest for a few minutes, dip it back in, then you should get an accurate reading. these dipsticks tend to smear as you pull them out.
After draining the engine oil and changing the oil filter, four quarts and eight ounces of fresh oil will refill it to the full mark on the dipstick. Edit: 4.25 quarts = 4.022 liters.
I think it's about 3.5 litres or so, but if you buy 4 you have some left over. Oh and be careful when filling the last carton of oil as over filling is just as bad as under filling. Just allow things to settle down and double and tripple check. What oil will you be using? 0w20 is recommended for the gen3 in most markets but you can get away with fully synthetic 5w30. You certainly don't want to be putting anything thicker than that in though. The cabin filter often gets forgotten about and is only about £10/$15. It lives behind the glove box on the RHD models but be very careful with the bracket as it seems weak. Always worth checking this filter.
thank you guys. If I am changing the oil filter will it still take 3.5 liters. do you recommend filling it upto the full mark ? under filling i understand but what harm does over filling do especially in the case of Prius (please forgive my lack of tech knowledge)?
Not sure if it's 3.5 litres or 3.7 litres or slightly more or less. Just be very careful when filling allowing time for the oil to settle. It is a fine art to ensure the oil settles at the Full mark, but overfilling will cause damage too. Some say it is as bad to over fill as it is to run the oil low. For your first time just be very careful if doing it yourself. Also make sure the car is switched off as you don't want the engine firing up half way through the oil change! What oil have you decided to use? 5w30? 0w20?
Temps here don't go below 0 degrees Celcius but go as high as 45 Celcius so I was considering 5w30 for it. I think I will take it to the dealership for oil change just to be on the safe side.
5w30 is probably the one to go for then. It does cut off top end fuel economy but with the PIP you have the benefit of electric mode. It should be pretty much the same process to change the oil at the dealers for the PIP. It'll be interesting to hear their views on the car. Any reason it isn't imported officially into Pakistan?
Is the OP's engine different than North American? Here to get oil to top mark after oil pan and filter drain is 4.2 liter (4.4 US quarts I believe). It's one time when it's best to NOT pay too much heed to the dipstick; just drain well, put in spec amount, and have a (careful) look at dipstick a day or two later, after it's sat a while, on LEVEL ground. Some like to put a little less, say 4.0 liters, to set it a bit below top mark. I think though, a dealership or other shop should have top mark as target.
@GrumpyCabbie Toyota has just recently started importing Prius from Thailand but the JDM is a bit superior in fit and finish and a lot cheaper in price i.e. almost half the price of what Toyota is offering. @Mendel Leisk I think the engine would be same. as I contacted the dealership they said to fill it up to the top mark. I will let the dealership do the oil change and will do it myself the next time. will also ask them about the transmission oil changing.
In North America at least, Toyota recommends to never change the transaxle fluid, refers to it as "lifetime". The dealerships have mixed opinions. If you ask and they're adamant it doesn't need changing, I would still pursue it, either with another mechanic or DIY. There is no harm in changing it, it's relatively straightforward, and beneficial. It's safest to use the Toyota fluid: ATF-WS. There's info here on the change, there are some cautions, getting the level right and so on.
Toyota admit "lifetime" means 100,000 miles. The "Toyota University" Toyota technician training manual, suggests changing at 100,000 miles and every 50,000 miles there after.
I have prius and i fill it with 4 liter should it be fine because it need 4.2...i am very worried please help me
Prius Alpha is also known as Prius v? The capacity spec'd in Owner's Manual is 4.2 liters. 4.0 liters is fine, less than a cup less. The two marks on the dipstick are 1.5 liters apart, for your info.