I am planning a family trip (2 adults,2 boys) to theme park next week for two days covering 160 miles one way so all together 320 miles + add 30 more. have you any guys out there taken such long journey in prius and what was your experience and what should i be aware of and check. I have Toyota Prius T-spirit 2008 model - has done 41000 miles and bought three weeks ago.. Would appreciate your advice. Thanks.
Lol, 350miles is a "long journey"? We take the Prius up to ski country almost every weekend in the winter (which lasts a good 8 months here) through the mountains passes ranging from 6,000ft to 11,000ft up and down and up and down and that is about the same distance. The day I bought my Prius I drove it 1800miles across the country to get it back home. It has taken several multi-thousand mile journeys with no lag. Meaning I leave at 8pm on a Saturday night and arrive 2400miles away 30 hours later at 4 in the morning Monday with time change generally. The Prius is a great car, don't worry about it. However for any "journey" you should always check tire pressures, oil level, and even basic things like windshield washer fluid.
160 miles/2.5 hours sure ain't much in my book. That's bad traffic tie-up, around a major city. Suggest you get a couple of those cheap, mesh lumbar supports for the front seats ($2-10) and some entertainment for the boys to play with.
I think The Prius, especially if you factor in the great gas mileage, is just about the best road trip vehicle you can choose. The hatchback gives you utility. The Hybrid gives you fantastic gas mileage. What more do you want? The trip as outlined by the OP should be easy. I guess my only concerns would be equal to the concerns I would have on any road trip, with any vehicle. If you are relatively new to The Prius, are you comfortable with the seats? Some people are not. I'd suggest bringing a pillow or pad just in case. I find the seats fine...but it's an individual taste. Everything else would just be the usual concerns. Knowing the route, bringing proper supplies, taking breaks along the way. Being only a vehicle you've had 3 weeks? I'd also want to be confident with it mechanically. Check the oil before leaving, check tire pressure, and condition...again the usual things. Then have fun. The Prius is GREAT for road trips.
Yes that was helpful. I ma need to change brake pad as it is making some squealing noise when i depress it.
brakes shouldn't need any work for a long time, but if they are squealing, i would definitely look into it. all you need at your mileage is oils and filters as scheduled and it would be a good time to change the transaxle fluid, but not necessarily before your trip. all the best!
I do about 330 miles in one day on the weekend. This is the perfect car for that range. My only complaint on the G2's are the seats. They could be more comfortable.
I would change the oil and move over to Mobil 1 5-30. Our cars hold 3.5 quarts with a new filter. Then since you do not know the car well when its on long all day highway run I would check the oil everyday to see how its doing. You will be rewarded with a trouble free trip. Best to check the engine oil first thing in the morning before you start the car. All the oil would have drained back into the pan by then and show you the true oil level. Then before I go remove the black plastic engine cowl. This covers the radiator cap. Sometimes it may show coolant in the evap bottle but the rad may actually be low. You take the cover off by snaking a finger behind the plastic screws and while turning the screw push it out. Really easy and fast. Cover comes right off and you can get to the cap. Take cap off and good look at the coolant. if its murky and not bright red it may need a change soon. Is it as hot in London as it is here? Its 94 today. Thats about all I would.
The problem is the OP is in the UK. A UK quart no longer exists and when it did it was larger than the US quart meaning the oil would be overfilled with 3.5 quarts, defiantly not recommended. At 41,000 miles the next oil change is not due till 50,000 miles. Oil change intervals here for the Prius is 10,000 miles since there introduction into the country. All that is required is to check the oil level "something in the UK most drivers do on a regular basis since the ability to do this is part of our driving test" check tyre pressures and over inflate by a couple of PSI against the max door label pressure, and check the screen wash fluid. Then enjoy your time away, I am guessing at "Alton Towers". The reason for only inflating the tyres a small amount is that it is illegal in the UK to run pressures at more than 10% over manufactures pressure figures. Along with the current wisdom on PC I would get the transmission fluid changed when it is convenient "no need to rush and get this done before you go". Checking the service history of the car will tell if it has been changed, but this is unlikely as it is considered a lifetime fill by Toyota. Temperatures here at the moment are cool for the time of year at around 16 C- 60 F and our typical summer temperatures are more in the region of 24 C- 75 F John (Britprius)
It is most unusual for a Prius to require brake pads at such a low millage. Your noise is more likely due to rust on the discs through so little use "40,000 miles in six years". This is a common thing with the Prius since it uses regen braking most of the time. The noise will probably disappear on your trip as the brakes begin to clean up, but it would do no harm to have this confirmed by your local garage. Brake pads on the Prius often last for over 200,000 miles figures unheard of on other cars. John (Britprius)
If the brakes a grabbing when cold at low speed this is due to rust or the rear brakes need cleaning out and adjusting. "North American continent version only". If it is happening at speed it is possible that the brakes have a problem such as air in the system. Otherwise they are usually quite progressive brakes. John (Britprius)