I don't know about the TP but their Shiraz is only $2 a bottle. You can't beat that even at Trader Joe's. Now if Trader Joe's started installing J1772 plugs like some of the Walmarts do - I might just go there for more than my $3.50 Simpler Times 6 pack of Lager Loss leaders . . . I don't know how they do it !!
I'll have to check that out next time I go to Whole Foods to grab a bottle of iodine/kelp tabs - thanks for the tip !!
Heh. The other day, I saw one "idling" in front of a Dollar Tree. Oh, at that Dollar Tree is also very close to a Walmart. It's just the next parking lot over...
I suppose the only thing left then is to find a model S owner picking up a vhs at the local salvation army. You can get those tapes for next to nothing
I was not talking about bottles and cans. Try getting food out of the dump. Yuck. There are some nutty folks here in the Bay Area. And most of them doing this are very well educated too.
LOL! I don't know personally know any Bay Area dumpster divers for food but try watching a few eps of Extreme Cheapskates: TLC. It is on Netflix streaming in the US. Ep 2 features a NY woman who does get food out of the trash. Yuck! I watched ep 1 long ago, but one of the guys did go around asking strangers in restaurants for leftovers. He'd box them up and take them home.
Awesome! For me it has been a mind-bending experience that has totally changed my perspective on cars. Nothing else interests me anymore except a pure electric. Can't wait for the Model 3!!
On this note, I watched an ep of Extreme Cheapskates focusing on Victoria, who does dumpster dive. Her BF mentions that she's the only millionaire (!) that he knows of who dumper dives. She doesn't drive a Tesla though... just a Corolla, and not that old a Corolla either.