Hi everyone. I've really been enjoying my new PiP advanced for the last three weeks. I've been reading as much as I can here at the forum and have learned so much about the car that I never would have known by just reading the manual. So far I only have one question that I can't seem to find an answer for here or in the manual. Every day I stop at my mailbox to get the mail. I get out of the car with the FOB in my pocket and leave the car running. When I close the door the car beeps three times to let me know it's still on. This is exactly how my 2010 Prius operated. However, when I get back in the car the multi-information display always changes from the hybrid system indicator screen to the energy monitor screen. I always have the HSI on as default. This isn't a huge deal but it's kind of annoying. Is there a setting somewhere that I can change that I've missed? Thank for the help.
I don't own PiP so I don't have an answer. It's kind of an interesting discovery. And I'm interested in the answer. I wonder if it isn't designed to do it. In other words, switch to energy monitor screen as another indicator/reminder that you have left the vehicle running?
You missed the HSI flashing a message about no key in the car, then evidently switching to energy monitor. I get the message when I let my wife out of PIP (and I don't have spare key with me) before pulling into garage. I didn't notice what screen it switches to after message, but I will look to collaborate the energy monitor you see next time.
I tried to duplicate your situation with mine (2112 base) by stopping at the neighborhood mailbox just as you do. (I usually walk to get the mail.) I had the key in my pocket, the display in hybrid system indicator, car in ready mode. I got the three beeps, but when I got back in the car nothing had changed.
Thanks for doing the test for me. There must be a setting or something that I hit when I was going through everything. I just find it very odd that it does this. iPhone ?