It's amazing how people feel the urge to cut me off (even when im going over the speed limit)! I will be ordering this decal soon. and maybe some pink fuzzy dice to officialize this Pimp Mobile..
Okay then, glad my car isn't the only one... lol... Yeah the C has the Mickey Ears on the rear quarter windows and then the Epcot logo on the rear; mine has the Epcot Center logo... both cars have the Star Trek Delta Shield
I have the T-Rex, Grumpy Cat and Boba-fet on my rear window. Grumpy cat is telling the tailgaters off......
Just added a new decal to back so I thought I'd show it off. What do you think? If you have never seen a trunk monkey, type in and search for TRUNK MONKEY VIDEO. Once you watch it you will want one.
It was a funny video, and that's a funny decal, but it might put the idea into someone's head to break in, instead of it warning them off.