Does anyone have experience with the AlphaTherm washer fluid heating system? I'm thinking I would like to install this before the snow flies.
Why not just get cold weather washer fluid? It's a heck of a lot cheaper and simpler. Worked great for me in 15 F weather. How cold does it get where you are?
Up to you, but looks like a waste of money to me. I used to live in MN, and never had an issue, even at sub zero temps. Venue 8 Pro 5830 ?
No experience with the heater, but I'd try the cold weather fluid before I spent the money. Ours froze when we lived in Colorado Springs and I found they make the cold weather stuff. No problems after I replaced the fluid.
You can also make your own cold weather fluid by adding a tablespoon of isopropanol to a full tank of normal fluid.
I think the idea with that heater is NOT for preventing freeze up in the reservoir. It's only on (sensibly) when the ignition's on. I think it's purpose is to ensure the fluid's quite warm when it hits the windshield. It might be beneficial: even the highly freeze protected stuff can freeze onto the windshield, with temps barely below freezing. Still, especially with our west coast climate, I'd give it a pass. FWIW, I never use the "summer" stuff, use freeze protected year round. Don't use much in spring and summer, the fluid will sometimes sit in there a whole year.
You're right, Mendel, I should have tried the link first. At the price I saw on Amazon, I'd pass. In my experience in Colorado, it didn't take that long to defrost the windshield and I don't remember ever having a problem growing up in Wisconsin once the windshield was defrosted, my car was always parked outside overnight.
Many, many years ago I extended the washer hose and wrapped the extra around a cabin heater pipe a few dozen times. If I recall correctly I also added a felt cover to the wrap as a layer of insulation. It worked well. I also built a channel onto the bottom of the windscreen and a little hose to direct rainwater into the washer bottle to keep it topped up. That also worked well.