Just curious. I seem to notice more Prius in large cities where perhaps the median income might be higher than average.
I assume you were refering to combined family income... If I would have spent as much time checking as I did posting, I would have noticed the info at the top. More proof of what happens when you "assume". Sorry 'bout that.
Concerning the poll, I would think many prius owners (and others) might be reluctant to divulge their income level on a public forum. (I know I would rather not.) Also, if it should turn out to be true that most Prii are found in large cities, it might be in part because that's where the dealers (and, presumably, mechanics certified for their Prius knowledge) in those locations. I know one of the reasons that I did not consider getting a Prius before now (mine is only three weeks old) was the concern that Prius-specific service would be less available in the hinterlands. Having seen that the cars seem to be remarkably trouble-free has relieved my concern somewhat on this score. I am still not sure I would want to take my Prius in some of the really isolated regions of the West.
Wasn't there a poll on this some time ago? I think one of the choices was >1 million, and there were a couple of members at that level.
Okay, this poll again? Must I resurrect my affordability poll? http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=15650&hl= Income isn't wealth. (See explanation in my poll). Nate
I answered the poll (which is anonymous). I would not state my income in a post. Are there really PC members with an income of over a million dollars a year??? Who? Without names, I'd be more likely to believe some anonymous persons answered frivolously.
I'm not sure about PriusChat members, but there are many Prii owners in the millionaire's club. Many celebrities have a Prius, for instance. I have friends who make >1M$ and one of those is trying to convince her husband their next car should be a Prius. (We're both members of a environmental volunteer group). I don't see anything wrong with an anonymous poll on income level. PC has plenty of polls, if anything the toppings-on-baked-potato poll was out of place. (Being a Mac owner, I was surprised by the large number of Mac users on that poll, but maybe it also attracted Mac owners to vote on it). nerfer
I suspect that they are the same folks who answered "Price was of no concern" in my poll. Just because people make over a million dollars a year doesn't mean they wouldn't drive a Prius. Look at Hollywood, for example. Also, many high earners got that way by watching pennies. They still watch pennies, it's in their nature, and they like to keep the money flowing. I have a friend who earns close to a million dollars a year. He is really a down to earth guy. For him, the only thing having that money means is that he doesn't worry about his livelihood. He still likes a good discount, and appreciates the value of every dollar. Nate
i'm not poor or rich...but i don't have to worry about monthly payments...and thanks to getting the prius i have more fun and saving money, compared to when we owned our $60k VW Touareg. I miss that big lunk o truck but the prius is the new baby and i love it.
I remember reading this on a newspaper(or magazine), that an average house hold income of a Prius owner is $86,600. Should've kept the article for archive purpuose. And a lot of Prius woner buy the car not only for the good gas mileage but also because it pollutes the least. Though some owners in Southern Cal. area buy the car as a fashion statement.
Just because you can't match up poll answers and PC members does not mean the poll is anonymous. Whether or not it actually is anonymous I have no idea, but keep in mind that the board remembers every poll that you have voted on, and it would be trivial to keep track of what you voted for. Then it becomes a matter of how much do you trust Danny and his choice of software. Your choice of where to draw the line between being paranoid and being prudent, just as it is your choice where to draw the line between being productive and wasting time on PC. Vince