I'm sitting in the Waiting room at my Toyota dealer waiting for the SSC-50P and an oil change (40,000 miles). I was suprised when they told me it would take 3-4 hours to do the update b/c they had to connect with Toyota to install the software. I had thought the software would require download into the THHT only once and then be ready for use each time it was needed (seemed logical enough to me anyway). But 2 of the service guys were adamant that this was, indeed, the case--download for every individual flash of the ECU. Haven't others that have had this done said it took only about 1.5-2 hours?? Someone fill me in here.
Just at 4 hours. Apparently the first 2 attempts "wouldn't take", third try was the charm. No fried ECUs or anything. I notice very little change in driving, perhaps the accelerator isn't as sensitive/takes more pressure to get the same amount of acceleration. Can't appreciate that it's any easier to get into stealth than before as others have observed, but temps are cold.
i had mine done on a sunday when meeting with Mike (ifixem) and Henry (hdrygas). it took two flashes, one at 35 min the other at 20. then a couple of codes caused by disconecting ECU to flash it were cleared. that took 5 mins. then reassembly and button up which took 5 mins. all the flashes were done from his handheld unit. **edit** Evan, keep an eye on your SOC range. after the flash, i seem to be able to do EV at a slightly lower level, but at the same time my max SOC is topping out at 75%. before the flash, i had two incidences exceeding 80%. now i cant even get close to that.
they're overhauling TIS this summer. whole new system. hopefully will speed things up. evan, i don't know the answer to your Q offhand. will have to ask.
Well, it took them 4 hours to get to the punch line of that joke.... Oh well, the car runs, I did my Prius ownerly duty of getting all reommended service performed....
I think Ifixem said the Baud rate for the THHS is like 600. That's why it takes so long to transfer. They also have to do the sealant grease part as well. Add in moving the car around doing the paperwork 2hours if they are on the ball.
Does the reflash clear the learned fuel maps or other parameters? If so, the car might drive a little funny until it re-adapts to your style and random variances in the sensors. . I'm very glad to hear they're going to rework TIS. Hopefully they won't make it worse than it is now. Someone over at Snap-On needs to learn that all the world is not internet exploder. . _H*
The THHT only holds 2 software updates. The engine ECU update is the same for '04 and '05 but the HV ECU update is year specific. So if the last one that was done was an '05 and yours is an '04 they would have to download the '04 version into the THHT before starting the update on your Prius. Toyota also has other flash updates on other vehicles that my have been on the THHT and that would require downloading both the engine and HV updates before starting yours. Another possibility is that the tech had to wait for another tech to finish before starting your update. JaymanVA
Ok, and I bet they do the download for every car just to make sure they don't accidently install the wrong info. Thanks for that clarification.
"Does the reflash clear the learned fuel maps or other parameters?" Yup, I've read it does. It has taken 4-5 tanks for my mileage to return to its former value, but it has now recovered.