Just getting comfortable in my new-to-me 2006 Prius. Thanks to everyone for the help so far. One of the items I bought is a ScanGauge II, which works fine. I'm wondering what others use their ScanGauge for - what data do you show? What would be most useful for average around-the-town type of usage? some things I want to know: - temperature INSIDE the car (this must be available somewhere since the "auto A/C" must be measuring against something) - safety issues regarding the motor: coolant temperature; other ? - efficiency/performance items: miles remaining in tank; - tire pressure (??) I know that a couple of these are available, but not sure about things like temp and tire pressure.
I use RPMs Voltage Primary water temp F Underhood air temp F. (I find it escalates when it is over 95 F outside) Although I do not drive in town mostly 49 to 61
Right now I am using RPM, Amps, Load and Ignition. Once it starts to cool off, in the fall, I will replace Ignition with coolant temp. I find in the summer the car warms up so fast there is no need to track the startup coolant temp. In the winter I like to keep track of the warmup cycle. You can't track tire pressure. I wish we could track oil temp but that is also not available.
Normally I'm using: accumulating mpg, Instant mpg, rpm and coolant temp. Just in the past few days I've sub'd the XGauges: hybrid battery sensor #2 and hybrid battery speed (for rpm and coolant temp).
RPM, Amps, Coolant temp, and current trip average fuel consumption. I would like to get Ignition timing also.
During hot weather I am monitoring the HV Battery temps and Cooling Fan: - Middle battery temp sensor - BT2 - Cooling Fan % speed - CF0 - Cooling Fan air flow temp - BtT - Cabin Temp - RmF
My four choices for mt Scangauge are currently: Engine coolant temperature --Fahrenheit Batter Temperture 2 : Celsius Battery Fan Motor Gallons Per Hour fuel consumption I might substitute in Inverter Coolant temperature for Gallons per hour, but there is an upper and lower cooling loop, apparently, and I am not sure which is more diagnostic of long-term inverter health.
SG II (upper) RPM (ICE) btV (sec) BTV (traction) MPG SG II (lower) Soc (traction) ICE (°F) plus 2 more, (will check and report later, or take a look at the photos...) Later: (upper) RPM(ICE) VLT(sec) btV(Trac) AVG (lower) Soc(Trac) MPG Bta(+/-)(Trac) ICE (°F)