Hi there, A few days ago, the radio / audio player on my prius gen II, 2007 stopped working. When I press the audio button on the MFD, I see the Audio Off display. The power button, the radio buttons, or the audio control buttons on the steering do not seem to revive it. The car seems to have lost all audio. While I can connect my phone with the bluetooth, there is no audio when I make a call. All non-audio features of the MFD are working fine. I have tried gently pressing the radio face to see if there is restored power but it didn't work. Any ideas what could be going on? Is there a fuse that I should check? What else should I do? thanks in advance, Asim
You might give this a try: locate the fuse to the radio, remove it for a minute or so, reinstall the fuse, and try the radio again. It might not work, but it is worth a try.
I have also had this issue - a slight 'tap' on the face of the system below the CD drawer worked for me!
The tapping has not worked for me. Any suggestions? I am still struggling with the silence in my drive.
Fuse #20 (7.5A) on fuse block under instrument panel, near driver's door (see pgs 397 & 435 of owners manual).
Thanks. So I checked the fuse box, and two fuses marked PANEL and TAIL were not working (although they were not broken). I changed the fuses but even the new fuse did not work. I checked the fuse using a test lamp and it seemed that no current was passing in the two fuse clips. So I opened the multi function display (MFD) and took apart the panel. To my surprise, all the wires were connected well on the behind of the MFD and the audio panel. I put it back. Now, the audio is not working may be due to the nonpassing of current. On top of it, the triangle of death warning has appeared on the HUD.
Hmmmm: Looks like you are going down the rat hole. My suggestion was not to imply that I thought that there was a fuse problem, but rather to suggest that you do a reset of the radio (by temporarily pulling the fuse). Many pieces of electronic equipment occasionally get "hung up" for various reasons. Pulling the power cord is a common method for resetting the equipment. In the case of your radio, temporarily pulling the fuse, is the equivalent of pulling the power cord. I had an issue on our 2011 with CDs being "hung up" (wouldn't either play or eject) that pulling the fuse resolvede.
Hello Asim. Almost 10 years have passed and I find myself with the same no audio problem. I wondered if you ever figured it out? My issue seemed to arise after the controls on the steering wheel had a bit of a crazy fit like they were being repeatedly pressed. Voice recognition and a few others. Then the radio just lost power.