In the last 5,000 miles or so, my 2007 Prius has been really burning oil and intermittently the cruise control stops working. No warning lights. Car sounds and feels as usual. 235,000 miles on it. Water pump, thermostat and drive belt replaced 3/2013. Check engine light has been on since about then and diagnosed then as either catalytic converter and/or oxygen sensors and I chose not to fix those as was told not necessary until, well, December now, I guess. Any guesses on what the problem might be here?
The low oil is from engine burning it with 235k miles. If it's burning enough oil, it'll ruin your catalytic converter. If your engine is damaged severely and can't hold the set speed on your cruise control, it will disable itself when it's on and can't maintain set speed. So your main problem is your engine.....and catalytic converter.
What he said. At 235K you should expect it to be using a significant amount of oil. Using a "high mileage", slightly thicker oil might help a bit......for a while. It probably is really time for a new(er) car.
Yes, low oil, just a recent occurrence. Since I posted this, the oil has stayed steady and cruise control working until last evening during commute home, it went out again. Heavy traffic and it's very hot here. It's fine this morning. This happened when the water pump went out too. I guess it's time to trade her in. Too bad. I love this car.