Hi all, I've just bought a 2005 Prius, 142k miles. It's a great car, and frankly with any 'new' car I buy I always worry about new sounds. This time it's 'clunk' or 'thump' noise when shifting from D to R and vice versa. It doesn't happen all the time, but it's a noticeable noise that can be felt as well. Has anyone else experienced this issue and if so, is it something to worry about? Thanks.
There shouldn't be a thumping or clunking sound. When was the last time the car had the transaxle fluid changed? Has the car ever been in an accident?
If it happens when parked on an incline, it is normal as the transmission locks in P and then there is a clunk when Park is released going into gear. You should notice that the car moves slightly when Park is engaged/released.
Exactly. However if you drive somewhere and keep it in park then shift to reverse and back to drive and back to reverse all with your foot firmly on the brake to prevent the car from moving you should not hear any clanks. There is a little noise, but nothing like the parking pawl disengaging.
I suspect the transaxle fluid has never been changed, it's the first job I want to do (transmission fluid changes happen very rarely in Ireland). The 'clunk' is more accurately described as a muffled thump.
Both Priuses that I have tested did make muffled thump when shifting from D to R while very lightly pressing brake. It maybe that if your used to automatic transmission you don’t notice this…
Thanks, I brought the Prius to a Toyota garage to get the steering recall done and they checked the 'thump' noise and said it's common and not an issue. I'll change the transaxle fluid anyway.
If it still clunks after the fluid change I would investigate your motor and tranny mounts being too old and brittle and not yielding a solid connection between motor and transaxle. SAABers like to change these to poly which yields more cabin vibration at idle but smoother shifts, which I think correlates into increased longevity of the drivetrain. I can't ever remember parking on any hills where I live so the only time my Prius ever clunked is when I turned the car off without first pressing park, it's a very subtle clunk but it doesn't do it when I press park before powering down. weird