Hi all, I used Carista to prevent the auto climate control button from forcing AC on, worked great! However now I noticed that whenever I turn on the AC, it forces air recirculation. Worse, if I manually set it to fresh air, turning the car off and on again resets it to recirc, annoyingly. Is there a way to change this? I want the default to be fresh air. Thanks Patrick
Are you driving in "eco" mode? That seems to force the system into recirculation mode and also slows the fan a bit, all in the name of economy.
Well, my '13 Prius Three did force AC with Auto. The manual confirmed this and says the dealer can change it. I got Carista, and it can change this setting, and many others. But no mention of recirc vs. fresh air settings. Perhaps this behaviour varies with model or year? Patrick
Yeah that's what I'm thinking. Or different setup since I'm in Canada. Step backward, my 2 cents. Our last car behaved as you describe: first order of business after hitting Auto was to turn AC BACK off.
I'm sure it did! I think these are independent settings - if indeed the fresh/recirc is even settable. Patrick
I had to change the setting about the auto recirc when AC on via TIS. The default is very annoying feature for some of us who like fresh air.
Posted to soon! As usual google is my friend. TIS = Technical Information System. Everything you might want to know about Toyotas, evidently much of it available only if you're in the biz. I'll ask the dealer about it next time I go for service.