I have an '05 Prius (you probably knew that from my nick). Is there a way to keep the mode from switching? For example, when I press the AUDIO button the touch screen shows my pre-programmed radio stations. After about 15-20 seconds the display goes back to where it was before. I would like to be able to change modes to AUDIO (or whatever else) and have it stay where I put it. Is this possible? Also, I may be mistaken, but it seems that the air conditioning defaults to RECIRCULATE. Is it possible to have the last used mode memorized and not change each time the car is started? I guess what I am asking for is to have the car do what I want, when I want. Not decide for me, or change automatically. Thank you in advance. Sorry if I am asking about something already discussed, but I did not see it when searching.
Yes, it is possible. It is one of the MFD settings. I don't remember the exact procedure off hand, but it is explained in the owners' manual.
Push the INFO button, then tap on the Screen Setting option. Turn off the Automatic Transition. Done!
Thank you. Always something that I overlook. I appreciate your help. IsrAmeriPrius, thanks for the reply. I suppose the ol' RTFM would have worked as well.
As far as I know, this is done to speed up the process of cooling/heating the car when the ambient temperature is significantly different than your desired interior temperature. By recirculating the air already cooled/heated, the final, desired temperature can be reached faster. For me, if the system is on auto it usually shuts off the recirculation after it reaches the desired temperature.
I suppose I understand the reasoning behind it, but I am a control freak. I want the car to do what I want it to do. Not the other way around. Also, my car was hit from behind. Most of the rear of the car is replaced with new parts. It was a real mess, but you would never know it by looking. Anyway, something got into the car. I am not sure if it was rain from when the car was at the body shop, or if something spilled. Whatever the reason, the car really stinks badly and I am working on getting the odor out. I want to leave the car on re-circulate at least for now.
I simply let you know that it was possible and that the directions are included in the owners' manual, in case you that did not know that. Why should I be the one who has to go down to the car to look it up for you?
I am sorry to have bothered you. As a computer technician, I deal with people all day long that could have used the manual. Sometimes, for reasons unknown, not everyone either thinks to look in the manual, or simply overlooked it when they did look. I am probably one of the few that has actually read my manual cover to cover. More than once. It was an oversight on my part to have not seen the answer to my question. I guess I am lucky that not everyone has the attitude of telling people to read the manual. This site is lucky as well, because if that were the response to their questions, they would not come here to ask. Did I do something to offend you?
Yes, it is possible. You dealer can change the setting. I had it done for me since I couldn't stand the default behaviour either. Note: The first dealer wanted $100 to do it. The second one did it for free. This was when the car was new - I don't know if they'd still do it gratis. Also, there is a document on this site somewhere that details all the customizable settings. DGStan
Thank you. I asked my dealer about this. They told me that it cannot be done. I don't believe half of what the dealership tells me though. They also told me that I could not use my navigation without being at a complete stop, which is something else that I learned from this site is not true. This site, and folks such as yourself who are willing to answer questions are a real pleasure. Thank you, again, for your time answering me.