If you are interested in selling or have a lead you'd be willing to share, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Holy wow!! I bought my brand new Tundra for that amount! I bought my 2013 Three brand new as well but obviously didn't even come close to that amount. Are the Fives worth that much money?
I think it's because it comes with the advanced tech package, which according to toyota.com is about $4300. Some nice stuff, but a bit pricey. That said, doing a quick autotrader search for ya, came up with a 2012 trim 5 with the tech package (or at least that's what they're claiming) for about $15k, and 51,000 miles: EDIT: And I just realized this dealership/car is really far away from Boston, unless you're willing to roadtrip. So I did another search limiting the range to 100 miles, and here's the best one autotrader came up with. No tech package from the looks of it, but it only has 5400 miles on it for $22,900: