What is this light and why is it always on for me? It's not referenced in the manuals, but I've noticed that whenever I'm in the car, it's on the entire time unless I switch my lights to DRL Off mode. When I get out and lock the doors, I think it goes off... but I'm also thinking it may have been the cause of my recent 12V battery drain. Can someone please educate me? From what I can tell, the light has no real purpose. It's not bright enough to illuminate anything.
It looks like a status light, to tell you a system is active. It looks like its intended be always on, therefore it's likely to eventually drain your battery if you don't use a battery-tender. There might be an option to have it turned off, but failing that, you could look at using a battery-disconnect switch.
It's a convenience LED that lights the shifter knob and the area around it. It is not on when the car is off. I don't know for sure, but I think it only on when the headlights are on, or something like that associated with the cabin being dark. The amount of current it pulls is infinitesimal.
Ha! To illuminate the shift knob, huh? That's the craziest thing I've ever heard... but it sounds crazy enough to be true. Thanks everyone! I'll look into whether I can shut it off. At least I know what to call it.
The light is always on, seemingly, because the interior lights, and this light come on whenever you and your key fob approach the vehicle. You can see that it truly does go out by approaching the vehicle without the key fob on your person. Notice that the interior lights do not illuminate. SCH-I535
Also, have you noticed that the foot area on both sides in the front is lighted when you approach the car with the fob? Nice touch. After having killed the battery in a car (not a Prius) by leaving the interior lights on, I make a habit of checking that the cars are dark before going to bed as part of my nightly routine. (Yes, without the fob. Like checking if the car is locked by testing the BACK doors, since tugging on the front door opens them if you have the fob... ) Edit: I checked it out; the foot lights and other interior lights did not come on until I unlocked the car (by touching the door handle). The mystery light which is the topic of this thread did NOT come at that time. I think that it does not come on until you start the car.
My wife used it to count her knitting stitches one night. It's a nice, gentle glow, adequately illuminates the shifter and turns off as previously stated. I didn't know that it comes on if the car is approached with the fob, so I just tried that. It stayed off as I approached without the fob, and it remained off when I DID approach with the fob. Is this a feature perhaps of the Advanced model only?