I like the GPS on my PIP just fine, but one "feature" I can do without is the little flags that appear with each address book entry. I use the traffic feature when driving on longer trips, and when I go out to a scale of 8 or so and am near home, the flags block the view of the highways and the traffic condition. I tried changing the choice on the address screen to not show the name on the map, but that just got rid of the names, not the flags...
WHAT ?? Seems like that is going out of your way to be critical. And then you do the same thing ???? Can't we all just get along ?
I sometimes post a quick reply, just so I can be notified, and watch what the future replies are to a question I also had, but have no answer for. Hence, probably, the "interesting topic". Have you had problems with your Toy Nav besides the flags? Like it miss directing you, or telling you to exit one exit early from the best possible route? Or instructions, too late, on a busy interchange? Oh, sorry, Beautiful Yarmouth Maine,, what interchanges? (Loved Oguinquit, and Boothbay!)
Hi Beachnut, thanks for the thumbs-up. Instructions too late at a busy intersection is about all so far. I should use the direction finding more often rather than just following my nose...
OK, just had to go out to the garage and try to figure this one out after seeing OP has same trim as wife's PiP. And the solution is; SETUP -> Navigation -> Address Book -> Edit -> select an entry -> Edit Icon (bottom of screen) -> 2nd page -> NO ICON -> Done Enjoy.
Yep! I'm the one who posted the question, and I just figured out myself. When I saw the huge number of icons I was worried, but there was the choice of NO ICON! Such a deal. Now if I just didn't have to do them one at a time...but it can be done. Thanks!