I've been reading a number of posts from people who are unhappy because they want leather and it's not available in their area, while I'm unhappy because I'll need to wait longer because I don't want leather. So I was wondering how many people are happy/unhappy with the options available to them.
I wanted a lower package but with leather. I am not happy that I have to get the nav system and all that other crap to get the leather. In my area, the aftermarket leather costs $2,300 so it wasn't really an option either since the dealer wouldn't include it in the financing and I'd have to come up with it in cash. So, I'm on the list for a package 8!
I figured if I'm spending some of my hard earned dough on this car (as well as financing the majority and continuing to shell out $) that I'm gonna treat myself not only to a new car, but get this one fully loaded, leather and all. I'm going all out to get the exact car *I* want. No compromises. I thought (in November) that I'd decided on Package #7, but after talking to a few friends who have leather seats and children, I decided to shell out the extra $20/month over 5 years and get Package #8 due not only to the look and feel of leather, but also for the ease of cleaning messes vs. cloth seats (although I do like the cloth seats the Prius comes with). It was time for a seating material upgrade for me.... This will be our family car, after all, as well as my regular commuter car and I plan on keeping it for 10 years or more. My Saturn has lasted 9 years at almost 178K, so I figure a Toyota can do even better.
I have an '04. But I don't think it's a waste of time to have whatever poll you like. I am wasting my own time by sitting at the computer. Nobody out there in cyberspace is wasting my time by posting polls or anything else.
None of the catagories fit me. I ordered, put down a payment, and then waited to see what came in. My car was the first like that I ever saw. My choices were to pay the rest and keep it, or buy something else off of the carlot, or simply walk away from the down-payment. At the time of the order, we thought that we might be getting an 05, maybe in Salsa red, but when it arrived, it was an 06 Baracolna Red with package 8 with leather. And we love it! I think, still in this area, you would be hard pressed to find a Prius on a carlot.
I can't answer the poll....since I had no desire to have the leather in my Prius, I have no idea whether or not it's available in this area.
I have an '05 and I wasn't disappointed with the available option packages. The only real compromise I had to make was color choices. As much as I love my Salsa Red, I'm a mechanic who lives on a dirt road so my first choice would have been an exterior color that showed dirt less and an interior color I would be less worried about showing stains. That said I prefer the option packages in '05 to what's available now. I got all the important safety features at the midrange price. For an '06 I would have to get the top of the line to get the HID/fog lights.
In my market the options are Pkg. #2 (HE), Pkg. #4 (HG) and Pkg. #7 (NL). The Price difference between Pkg. # 4 and Pkg. #7 is $3905. Granted you get alot more than HID for that price but I wouldn't want to pay for a lot of those options. I hope some day it will be possible to order the options a la carte. If you have to wait months anyway I would like to get exactly what I want. P.S. If you want to compare here are the Option Packages. I also think it's odd how Toyota decides what options people in various geographic regions will want.
Gee, I only got the value meal Package #2 (Black/tan) Homelink, mats,VIP,and undercoating /paintsealant $25,500 including ttl Thats more gadgets than I'm used to. I don't care for leather.