I was wondering if anyone could post an image of what the valet cards look like, either by photo or scan... it would be much appreciated...
I just looked at a picture of the 2004 valet card on the google group, and the 2006 valet card is exactly the same as far as the steps and the images go. The only difference is that it does not have the model year on the "starting" side of the card and the part number on the back is 00505-VTS06-PRI instead of 00505-VTS04-PRI.
WARNING: Do not assume that just because you present a valet card to the valet, that he will comprehend what it says. Even if you ask if he understands and he says yes. People tend to say yes because they are embarrassed to say no. Stimuli that are sufficiently confusing or unfamiliar (including instructions for gadgets that are outside a person's experience) are often processed by the brain in original ways. This often means that the meaning of the words just does not register. A valet card is no substitute for a half an hour of personal instruction with hands-on practice. I do not trust my car to valets.
I've been afraid to use a valet myself. I had to be someplace in Manhattan last friday and I wimped out and took the wife's car because I was afraid that I might not find street parking and would have to explain everything to a valet.
I was told that there was no 2006 instructions. So I bought some 2004 off of ebay for like a penny plus I think a dollar shipping. I Photo Shopped it to look like a 2006 should look like compared to the 04 and 05. If anyone is interested I have both the Photo Shop file and jpg. Super duper high res Photo Shop file. ~7.21MB Super high res JPG ~569KB [EDIT] I added a picture of my laminated custom 2006 cards. [attachmentid=2657]
I had to use valet for the first time over the weekend while we stayed at the Hotel De Anza in San Jose. Their overnight parking is 'valet only'. It went pretty smoothly, I'd say. The only odd occurance was when we picked up the car on Saturday to head to San Francisco for a few hours, I put my hand out for the key when the guy got out of the car, and he said it was "in the ignition". I was so used to using the Smart Key that I didn't even think of that. It actually took me a few seconds to figure out how to get the fob out of the slot (doh!). And I completely forgot to take out a valet card while we were there. But it was fun commanding the Navi to take us straight to the Golden Gate Bridge and it announced that we had arrived at our destination when we were 3/4 of the way across the bridge itself.
I got a pad of valet cards with my 2006 when I purchased it this February. Unfortunately, I did not get any in Spanish...just English.
You know when i first got the car i had a hard time following those direction. Specifically the Brake+Start button in step 2 was confusing. Cause if you first press the start then the brake nothing happens... it goes to accessory mode.... They should have really made it... 1) Put Key (or don't) 2) Press Brakes 3) Push Start. (while still on the brakes)
Thanks a million to all of you! (I never cease to be amazed by the folks here at prius chat, what a great group of people!) I will make sure to get some of these when I get my car... I seem to end up using valet parking once or twice a year, so I imagine I may need these, get a few and have them laminated... although I dont think I will need them in spanish... (there is virtually no hispanic population in NW Ohio, and the few hispanics who are in the area are generally fluent in English... although in the desert SW and California I can see how this could be a valuable item to have...
I generally valet whenever possible... There are so many Pri here in the LA area that everytime I ask if they know how to use it they look at me like I'm the idiot who needs instructions.
I tend to agree that would be more simple (leave out the (or don't) for the for step one - just make it generic). And we can leave out the "press park button" as well. Why complicated it when it is redundant?
I take 2 of them, put the starting one on the left, the shifting one on the right, put both in the crack in the dash in front of the stering wheel to the left side of the spedo seems to work real good! orrin
Thats great, I wish there were that many Prii/prius' here, but they just seem to be catching on in NW Ohio... ive only seen a few of them on the roads so far... someday though...