I have a 2012 Plug In prius with the standard entune audio system. On the toyota Entune web site it says that I will be able to ready my text message on the screen of my enturn. However when I go to the settings on the screen they are greyed out. On a side note- On my GMC ACADIA the text messages come through the screen and there is even a button on the screen you can hit and it will read them to you while you are driving?
On your iPhone Go to Settings-> Bluetooth and touch the "i" that's next to the listing for your car. Make sure "show notifications" is activated on that screen.
While we're on this topic, does anyone know how to increase the volume when it reads back an incoming text message? It's so quiet I can never hear it when traveling at speeds. I've tried using the volume knob but that doesn't seem to work.
Nope tried that... does not read back text messages :-( Could it be because I have a 2012 model? Have they changed it much or are they all this crappy?
I'm not sure about the Base model, but on the Advanced model it is under Phone Settings / Messaging Settings / Message Readout Volume. Kind of buried.
I tried this tip today (setting the Bluetooth settings in the phone) and it worked great. Even got text messages while driving on the freeway. Can't respond (other than with Siri (I don't think)) but it was pretty cool. Thank you all!!
Entune on the Advanced has canned responses, but the response system doesn't work with iPhones and iOS. Some blame Apple. I blame Toyota. Ultimately, they share blame. My guess is that the system works perfectly with a Blackberry or Treo. LOL Toyota has signed on for CarPlay by Apple, but it's yet to be determined whether this will bear any fruit for current Entune users.
+1 Both the phone/messaging functionality and the Entune apps worked great on my Blackberry. The irony of the Entune app is that Toyota refused to provide a version of the app for newer Blackberry OS versions, so I had to sideload the version for an older OS, which worked just fine. The messaging even supported e-mail, with multiple mailbox support. Unfortunately, I really wanted apps that just weren't available on Blackberry, and deserted ship to Android, and am just dealing with the inferior messaging support on Android. (I never have had an iOS device, so I cannot speak to how they work.) Just a nit on terminology. Entune refers to the media apps such as Pandora and OpenTable, and talks to an app on a smartphone. The phone/messaging functionality interfaces with the Bluetooth support deep in the operating system of the phone. You don't need a smartphone to get this, just a phone that supports the required Bluetooth profiles. My wife's simple flip phone hooks up nicely to the phone functionality in the car, including contact lists. On the car side, Entune support and phone/messaging support are two entirely different software packages, and are independently updated. Getting software updates from the dealer for the display system is a major production training the dealership people. There is: 1) The core system, which provides the Bluetooth/phone/messaging/mediaplayer support. 2) Something called "Grace Notes", which I have never figured out what it is. 3) The Entune support on the car (updated over the air through your smartphone). 4) The Entune app on the smartphone (obtained from your phone's app store). 5) The map data updates (which costs $$).
I get the notification ('new text message') on my '13 Base, but I have never been able to figure out how to get it to read the message. Latest version of iOS, latest version of Entune.
I just tried it today for the first time and it worked! To actually read the text you just touch the phone icon to the right of your Nav screen. You'll see a messaging option. Thank you for the tip on turning on the notifications in the phone menu!
Gracenote is the database accessed through Entune to recognize and retrieve album names and tracks on an album so they can be displayed. In something like iTunes, it also connects the user to album cover art. Looks like only the most recent (13 and 14) models are actually Gracenote enabled. Gracenote | Case Studies - Toyota