Hello All Just purchased a 2008 with 114k on it. I really like it but so far the first tank has given me only 36 mpg hich is a slight shock since I was looking for the 45-48 range. Something I don't know?
Check your tires and consider over inflating them slightly (I like 42/40.) Also consider checking your aux (12v) battery. 36 seems low for a tank average. Investigate the oil viscosity and the vehicle's service history. I'd change the oil and filter and start checking for oil usage. Your car may have a drinking problem that the previous owner was trying to mask with 20w50 oil. I would also watch a YouTube Video about Throttle Body cleaning and do this service myself or get a TRUSTED mechanic to investigate the TB for fouling. If it hasn't been done previously, I'd consider changing the trans-axle fluid. you can do it yourself for about $45, of pay it done. If you're handy with tools I'd also consider yanking and replacing the plugs, if this service hasn't already been done. IIRC it's recommended at about 120K but you'll need to look that up. How the plugs look will tell you a lot about how the motor is doing. Don't cheap out on the plugs. Lastly, some people advocate an alignment check, but I'd put this waaaay down on the list and just check the tires for wear. You'll be able to determine aurally (wha-wha-wha-whah) if the tires start cupping and this is a rotation thing more than an alignment thing. You have a 250,000 mile car. Put a few hundred bucks worth of maintenance in it over the next year and you're good to go for a while yet! If you're on the interstate a lot and/or use your accelerator like an on-off switch, I would not expect much more than 40-45MPG, but you should be pulling down better than 36 if you drive like an adult. Good Luck!
The first tank on a new car is not a good guide. Record the odometer reading when you fill up (or reset one of the trip meters to zero), then next time you fill up divide the miles driven by the number of gallons and that will give you a better idea. Do this for several tanks to average out filling differences and you'll have an accurate number. You can sign up at fuelly.com to simplify the tracking.
Trip length/time can be very important in determining mpg. I routinely get low-mid 50s in warmer months and mid-upper 40s in winter months near Detroit. when I was working, my typical commute was about 19 miles, one way. My brother in Florida bought a Prius and generally got 35-38 mpg. The reason? His commute was about 1.5 miles, one way. The car never warmed up sufficiently during the commute to allow the hybrid system to function efficiently. He got mileage much like mine when he took the car on longer trips, but wound up selling if after a few months.
Wow. My commute is about a 6 min drive so I'm close. Haven't gone a long distance yet. Thanks for the info
Thank you so much for the info. I will start taking a look at each of the things you mentioned and handle whatever I find thats not ok. Let's see if I can get a service record out of the dealer. think I might need some luck there. Again, thanks for the reply.
You can get service records online. Toyota Owners Official Web Site: Service Coupons, Owner's Manuals, Service Scheduling And More
I think we've largely found your issue. Since the car must complete the warmup cycle during that short time, which uses relatively more fuel, your mileage is going to be poor because that warmup cycle consumption doesn't get averaged out over a longer trip.
I have been testing the difference when I run without A/C too and when it's off the avg goes up so there is one factor. Will change the tire pressure in the morning and see what change that brings as well. All of this data has been very helpful so thanks again. I was kinda freaking out a little admittedly
Short trips plus hot temps w/AC is a bit of a double whammy. The ICE warmup cycle will be shorter, but the AC is usually working hard to bring down the cabin temp. As it approaches your selected temperature the compressor rpms scale back and reduce the impact on mpg. Increasing the climate control temp will help it get there sooner, so you might try some different settings and see what you can tolerate. Here in Phoenix I can keep mine at 82-84 and still be pretty comfortable, but its generally pretty dry. Once the outside temps start to fall to where you don't need AC you should start seeing better numbers. May start to take a bit of a hit again in winter due to warmup cycle, but shouldn't be too bad where you are. FWIW these issues aren't particularly unique to Prius. Short trips are a hit to mpg on pretty much all vehicles, and are exacerbated by AC use. In some ways its more noticeable on the Prius because its generally so efficient, but the Prius also incorporates some tricks to speed up warmup cycle and make AC more efficient relative to traditional vehicles. Best of luck, and congrats on the new ride! Rob
Thanks. Funny you should mention the A/C setting. I was thinking that and moved it up-not to 82 though. Also, had a longer drive up the coast today and managed to get 46 mpg with the A/C on med and the tires with more air in them.
OK, after getting lots of good info from you good folks I have solved my MPG issue. It seems it was a combination of things. First was my commute distance-YEP, too short to get the car warmed up. Second was my tire pressure-handled that. Third was me simply not being used to driving a Prius to get maximum MPG. I had to change my driving habbits to handle that. And lastly, I don't blast the A/C on full the whole time. So, I would like to thank everyone for the input. It really helped. Rob
Not sure if a GenIII thing because I am new here too, but I had a girlfriend with a 2010 and she constantly averaged around 50 or higher with hers. She would drive it hard at times and kept it very cool inside it.
Dane the A/C 'hit' is mostly right at warm up, sadly Rob is almost always in warm up. Once warmed up, the Prius does just fine with A/C.
I'm really noticing this fact this week. I'm down in Louisiana visiting family and all of my driving here as been very short distances, a mile or less. And it's quite warm, so the AC is on almost all the time. Since filling the car up on arrival, I've only been seeing 33mpg or so on the current mileage estimate. I've NEVER seen that so low. Most of our driving up in NW Ark are for longer distances, at least 5 miles or more, and no AC usually required in the morning. Up there, we normally see 47-52mpg indicated. So apparently a huge hit for this kind of driving in this weather.
I've had my car (Prius Two) for only a couple weeks and most often I'm seeing 60-some MPGs....except when there's a very short distance between the time I start and stop the car (this can include times when the car has already "warmed up" and the is AC off) when I'm consistently seeing 30-some MPGs. In my case, it seems to be a function of DISTANCE driven rather than ambient temp. You're not noticing MPG decreases from summer to winter (so it's not the fuel mix you're getting at the pump) but you are seeing the drop at SHORT DISTANCES...someone on this forum can speak to why these hybrids "tank" at micro-distances....