Could you make it a bit harder for us to prove you are a moron? Your assumption that everyone who doesn't like Bush must be Democrat is rather laughable. You are a MORON, and you prove it every time you make a post.
I'm right here. Replying to other's at this moment wait your turn. :huh: Wildkow p.s. And what do you mean I always seem to disappear? Cite one bit of evidence.
Then you should follow the debate in the corresponding manner, you have jumped to the last post without addressing previous ones. Especially, the ones in which you've been quoted
Your right! He just posted it and then disappeared. Wonder if he will show up and support it or not? Wildkow
Dude sometimes posts come in while I'm replying to them and if I want to I can reply to any post in any order that I want. After all it's a free country. Now if you have something you want me to reply to please point it out. Because you sound a bit confused. Wildkow
I would like to say that Democrats and Republicans have much in common, first and foremost we are all Americans. Second, as countrymen, we share a common enemy, terrorism. Terrorists do not care how many Republicans or Democrats die in their hell bound attacks on innocent life. If terrorism comes to America again, I will be defending Americans from both parties. I believe in the two party system,.....a party on Friday night and a party on Saturday dump bump pssss I wish it was all fun and games, jokes and parties. But seriously folks, remember that WE AMERICANS are at war. Like the reasons for it or not, it's on! Be vigilant here at home, because our best Americans are over there when they should be here. So we have to stick together now more than ever. When the enemy is destroyed and the troops come home, maybe then we can get back to all the fussin and fighting about Politics that Americans at peace love to do. Now is not the right time. Can I get an Amen now?........... American Democrat 2005 Prius reducing my dependency on foreign oil..... GO BIG ED ON AIR AMERICA
Geeez take a look at the previous posts from Liberals/Democrats that didn't vote or don't like Bush and they think that the statement jared2 posted was moronic. Wildkow
Far from confusion, if you happen to participate in threads do us a favor follow up, particularly when quoted. When you leaving out unanswered past posts in favor of new ones, your method indicates giving it up. Hence my questioning. It's not my job to be your secretary and kindly pointing to you in what threads and posts you have participated.
You are a LOON! That's a whole different topic than this one! Stick to one topic at a time and don't cross reference them, Geeeeez. And by the way yes the USA basically saved everyone's nice person during WWII. If not by getting into the war and fighting at the very least by instituting the Lend Lease Act and supplying the whole Freaking world with raw materials, war materials, food, medicine and money. Which none of them have repaid! You are clueless and uneducated but smart enough to buy a Prius go figure. :blink: Wildkow
You are also a LOON and confused! :blink: The quote you have above is from a completely different topic than this one. Only a Moron would try to win points in one arguement/topic while citing a different topic but you're not a Moron are you? :lol: Wildkow
I would like to apologize to everyone for my language and the use of moron, loon, idiot, etc. etc. ad nausem. I don't argue like that in person and should not use them in the context of the internet. Today and yesterday and all last week were not my best and it has been reflected in my poor choice of words and language. I am truly sorry and will henceforth try to use more reasonable language. It is diffcult at times though. Wildkow p.s. I would like to go back and edit them out but I don't feel that would be right. Once again sorry. But please don't accuse me of something in one post by quoteing or using something from another post without citing the post. Thank You
Like I said different thread and different post, correct. But you have never follow up, how very conveniently. :blink: "And by the way yes the USA basically saved everyone's nice person" Wrong, if you still consider that, then I'm sorry you've no credibility whatsoever, again WHAT HAPPENED TO POLAND and other countries during the WWII looney? :blink: " supplying whole Freaking world with raw materials...," Is this an encyclopedic knowledge? Expand will you. Pathetic "You are clueless and uneducated but smart enough to buy a Prius go figure" Certainly the debate with YOU is quite educational about the state of dementia praecox among die-hard warmongers. :blink:
HAHAHAHA, now you really running out of ideas. The fact that you are a moron is your universal characteristic and any idiotic post you make anywhere on this board will be used to prove that.
have you ever taken ANY history classes? because it's sad that people like you would consider themselves educated.
And how would you go about getting the bad guys? Misguided foreign policy.... Afghanistan now free and democratic. Khadafi now wmd free for the first time. Syria out of Lebanon for the first time in a quarter century. Iraq no longer supporting terrorism and on its way to democracy. Kurds and Shias no longer under the yoke of oppression. Strengthening ties with India as a counter balance to China. Pakistan now in our fold too. Syria isolated. North Korea isolated after the great clinton mess up (allowing them to go nuclear). Canada now with a conservative government and now coming back to establishing stronger ties with the US. Australia very pro America. Germany now with a conservative Chancellor who is pro US. France on the verge of moving further right. The palestinian authority isolated. Eastern europe firmly with us - even more so than "old" europe. Iran under the gun. Lets see foreign policy with clinton - three new members of the nuclear club - go bill. america on the run - not defending US assets... WTC '93, USS Cole, Embassy bombings and running like a woos from Somalia... go bill again. could have had OBL FOUR times.. go bill go. Knew terror camps being set up in afghanistan and sat there or stood there getting a hummer in the oval office ... go bill or is it the other way. Genocide unchecked in Sudan ... go bill go. built the wall that prevented the cia and fbi from talking to each other letter the terrorists plot and plan .... go bill go. cut human intel by more than 50% ... go bill go. go believe whatever you want to. i feel much better on the offensive than on the defensive. it is easy to see who punched you in the face - you just need to open your eyes to the truth and stop being blinded by your hate.