I just came back from a futile trip to the dealer - b/c my check engine light went on again. It went on about 2 days after I rec'd the car (4/22/04), and it was checked by the ONE Prius guy at the dealer - and supposedly something was reset (they probably just turned off the light!). This morning, while on the highway, it came on again - so I drove to the dealer - and this time, I was told that I had to replace something - they were very, very unclear about what exactly needed to be replaced (the exhaust was mentioned). Apparently, I am polluting the air as i drive my defective Prius around town. The part had to be ordered - so who knows when it'll come in. My car will be laid up for a day - but I'm worried that it'll become more defective once they fiddle with things. Aargh. This doesn't sound good to me.
My check engine light came on as I was driving high speed through the very hot Mojave desert about 2 weeks ago. I brought the car to the Albuquerque dealer whereupon I was told I had a sticky water intake valve. They located one the following WEEK and replaced it and I have had no check engine light since. I had to drive a rental car for the intervening week while they held my Prius hostage. I felt lucky they got it fixed before I had to return to San Francisco, otherwise they would have sent me home in the rental and shipped my car back home. Toyota paid for most of the rental car and all of the repairs. Good Luck!
The same exact thing happened to me and I consulted this forum. Most people had stated that the light will go off on its own between 45 and 60 miles. So the second time the light came on (as I was driving home from getting it reset at the dealer) I did not take it back but waited and sure enough, the light went off on its own at exactly 60 miles.
112 Miles on the car and I got a Check Engine Light, It is Saturday Night and I have a long weekend of driving in front of me still. Is it safe for me to continue driving the car or should I call the dealer and arrange a loaner? Any suggestions would be appreciated. I am hoping it will go out when I make the 30 Mile drive (45-60 Mile Reset Limit) to see Harry Potter but, I just got the car and I don't want to give it back Peace, Fr. Bill
Well, I after my drive last evening the Light was still on. When I got into the car and pushed power......... NO Check engine light, Phew! I was wondering what I had done wrong, but so far so good. I am at 49.1 mpg at 236 miles Peace, Fr. Bill
maitenance required light flashed twice I had this happen to me this morning. I was wondering if anyone else has had this happen. It did not stay on just flashed twice after I started the car. I am close to 5K miles. I am going camping next week so I am hoping that it is nothing major. I will be in a cell phone free area, Mendocino county does not want any towers so you cant use your cell phone in that county. shona
My 2001 Prius did this at altitude 5000 ft. after being parked a day or 2. All the warning lights went on when I started the car. I drove down the mountain anyway with no trouble tho the lights all stayed on until I parked and started up again. They fiddled with the computer, then it happened again, so they replaced the computer and it was OK. My guess is that driving with the warning lights didn't hurt anything.
Is the "CEL" same as the "Maint. Reqd." light? My wife just took it in today for 5K maintenance. The mechanic said he reset it, but my wife said that it blinked again when she started the car later today. Is there a procedure to reset this thing???
When my lights went on, all of them went on - the little icon, the one that said problem with the engine and the one that says "take it to the dealer". They made several calls to the engineers who said it was probably the altitude, but whether it needed a new computer or just an adjustment, I don't know. My 2004 at the same altitude has not caused any problem.
The maintenance required warning light is for oil change only. The owners manual explains how to reset it if the dealer didn't do it correctly. If it is flashing or on steady, it wasn't reset