The issue I have with that is that it's the same beeper that notifies when warning lights appear on the dash. I'd hate to not notice a warning light or low fuel condition because I disconnected the beeper for other reasons
I can confirm that this method works on the 2010 Gen III Prius. Since I already had an ELM327, I just had to download the free app. Originally posted by Gary P Turn off the damn backup beep | PriusChat Re: Turn off the dern backup beep After hours of reading and multiple false starts I was able to disable the Reverse beep using my Android phone! Ha! Using one of the ELM-327 knockoffs from day free Prime shipping) and 'ELM 327 Terminal' from the android store, it was a 2 minute job (that took me 20 hours to figure out). I did all this with the 'Ready' light on and the doors all closed. Not sure if that is needed, but just in case you can't reproduce my results. After the terminal program is all connected I just typed the following commands into the little white box on the bottom left of the terminal program (not clear that this is where you are supposed to type and not very big, but it works). Turn 'Timer' (right side of screen above 'clear') off (or commands repeat over and over again). Commands: AT SH 7c0 (hit 'Send') Returns: OK 21ac (hit 'Send') Returns: 61 AC 00 (meaning continuous beep) 3bac40 (hit 'Send') Returns: 7F 3B 78 (no idea Returns: 7BAC (meaning done) 21ac (hit 'Send') Returns: 61 AC 40 (meaning now single beep) I then popped the car into 'Reverse' and joy! joy! only 1 beep. I didn't have to hit 'Send' as instructed. As commands were being typed in, returns were instantaneous.
I disabled the reverse beep and the seat belt beep with a ScanGauge II and some documentation on the internet. You can program the SGII to send the correct codes to the car. I think the information is available on this forum if you search hard enough. Edit: Here are the codes for the ScanGaugeII: (The SGII manual explains how to enter these as custom gauges.) Seat Belt Beep Disable: (turns off seat belt alarm after 5 seconds.) TXD: 07C03BA700 RXF: 047B15A70000 RXD: 2008 MTH: 000100010000 NAM: SBS Should return A7 Reverse Beep Disable: (beeps only once.) TXD: 07C03BAC40 RXF: 047B15AC0000 RXD: 2008 MTH: 000100010000 NAM: RBS Should return AC The SGII isn't cheap, but I already had one from my previous car, so it didn't cost me any more.
I didn't read this entire thread but I used the carista app + generic bluetooth OBDII dongle and it worked fine, was very easy.
Every dealership I've called (5 different ones total) have told me there is a federal mandate and they can not turn off the seatbelt beep. Wth?
My friends in Vegas got the same reply from their dealership about that and the reverse beep on their v. When I was down there, I printed out the pages from the owner's manual and highlighted what they wanted changed. I then matter-of-factly and very politely explained to the service advisor that I would like a technician to make the modifications I have highlighted out of the manual and I believed that Toyota would pay for this service once with purchase - something they had not yet done. It was all completed within 30 minutes (I did have an appointment). When I originally set the appointment (and when I came in), I referred to the procedure as "customizations".
For legal reasons, the dealership might not be allowed to do it/won't risk it. Also, turning "off" and "changing to one beep" are different things. Be careful what you are asking for.
I am trying to use the ELM327 Terminal however when connected to BT the Keyboard blocks the controls and then the app reports an error and has to restart. Anyone else have this issue with Andorid 4.4.4 ?
I finally got this to work with my older OBDII dongle and ELM327 Terminal app. Since Torque starts right up, I didn't know I had to "connect" ELM to the dongle. Like I said somewhere, the beep didn't really bother me all that much, except when I'm in "R" and have to wait for someone to pass by. My wife kind of likes to be reminded that she's in "R" though, so I might turn it back on. You know, happy wife and all that.