Does anyone know where the A/C drain tube is for a 2012 Prius C Two? I'm getting a musty smell from my a/c system. I never see any moisture dripping from the car when the A/C runs so I want to make sure the tube isn't clogged. Car has 40,000 miles. Already replaced the cabin air filter twice.
Open the glove box as if you were changing the cabin filter. A clear plastic hose (~ΒΌ") can be seen up against the firewall. I could see water in mine, and knew it was clogged. I had a friend underneath (at oil change time) with a vacuum. I wiggled the hose, he found it and cleared the obstruction. Good luck.
I found that clear hose (also with water in it)and started following it and decided it goes to the rear window washer. I found the real drain is near the center of the car and a pain to get at and about 1/2" as 1/4 is way too small for condensate. If you find the silver evaporator lines on the firewall go straight down from there and you can see the end of a black rubber elbow, from underneath it is above the cross-member brace near the inside of the passenger side rack for the steering. I got to it from underneath coming from the front you can see it quite clearly but getting 2 hands on it unless you have tiny arms and hands I got scraped a bit a swore a couple of time and finally managed to shove the tube from my Supercool Evaporator odor eliminator I got from Ebay and load it up. I could not get a good photo of it but will try again one day as the C sits low enough it is even hard to get on a ramp.
the C sits low enough it is even hard to get on a ramp. I use 2- 2foot long 2X6 wood boards , to decrease approach angle for the ramps