Hi there all. I just sold my subaru and am really gearing up for the arrival of my prius. (silver 2006 package 6--though i am flexible.) my question is this: According to the package descriptions the dealership in Santa Monica, CA gave me, Package 6 has the bluetooth feature and NOT the navigation device. My friend thinks that one can't have bluetooth WITHOUT the navigation device--because that's how it was with her lexus. She even asked her friend who happens to be a dealer at Toyota--of all places--and he said that the package with blue tooth sans nav. device is not offered in So. Cal. huh? What's going on here? Am I totally missing something? Thanks again, in advance. Christine
I have a white Pkg 6 with Bluetooth, and no NAV. It works great. I haven't tried the voice activation, but heard it worked for some functions without NAV. I kept my Subaru (Impreza RS, and wife's Outback), but really am enjoying the Prius, that I have to force myself to drive the Sub on weekends, and the Outback really feels truck-like after all week in the Prius. You won't be sorry with PKG 6 unless you really must have NAV. I'm in LA and got the car at Sierra Toyota in Lancaster for list + $600 for bogus wheel well moldings, and black pin stripe. If you're flexible, check out carsdirect.com. I got my car the same day as I contacted them. Wanted blue, got white though.
thanks for clearing that up, subarutoo. you know, i think i must have read one of your posts elsehwere on this board, because as per your advice, YESTERDAY i went to carsdirect. i was only contacted once by toyota of hollywood and that was to let me know about the long wait. duh. now that i have to start riding the bus (don't cry for me, it's just down a ten mile stretch of wilshire) i'm really anxious for the car. thanks again. christine