I am selling my OEM tail lights (smoked). Excellent condition and it includes bright LED bulbs. $500 obo. Local pick up preferred but it is ready for shipping (extra).
Were these lights on your car? if yes can you send any pictures? Also, how are they smoked and did you do it? Thanks, Johnny D
I don't have any pictures of them on my car. I had them smoked from D&D Auto in San Mateo. The lights themselves only have 10k miles on them and the smoke job is brand new. Where are you located? If you are close I could help you install them.
IS~: Sorry for the late response. I live in Philly, so not close. I bought the film needed to do the project. So I was looking for a local shop or person with experience to do the job I contacted 2 shops but they were not interested. So, I am sorry but I could not afford to buy your lights (which is the ideal way to do it) Thanks anyway Johnny D