I'm picking up a new-to-me 2006 Prius in a couple of days. My issue at hand is whether to add comprehensive insurance to my auto insurance for this vehicle. I live in Washington DC (and not the best part of town) so my main concern is theft. What I don't know is if the Prius is any less likely to be stolen because of the way the car works. Can someone please tell me what the security features are (e.g., the "power" button, etc)? I don't care about the car alarm - those things are going off in our neighborhood weekly - people are tone deaf to alarms around here (and besides, I'm not sure anyone would even speak up if they saw someone trying to steal a car). The car does have the LowJack added feature, which may or may not assist in recovery - I'm not really sure if that is effective. Advice appreciated. Thanks.
Impossible to hot wire a Prius given its immobilizer system. Only way to steal a Prius is to flat bed it which is rare unless the car gets repo'ed. But there's alot of stupid criminals out there that could damage the hell out of the car trying to steal it. To ward off these idiots I would use a steering wheel lock bar. There very cheap they work and are universally recognized by thieves as not worth there time and will pass. Radio theft is another deal. For many years I had a car alarm on another car that when it went off transmitted that alarm to a beeper I had. Alarm was silent at the car but would alert me in my home. Range was pretty good. Search AUTOPAGE car alarm.. But I highly recommend Comprehensive Insurance anyway.
You are less likely to have said car outright stolen, but parts are easy money on just about any vehicle. There was a rash of Prius "airbages" thefts here a while back, although the radios don't have the quality that demands much of a market. Given your stated area though, you probably already know what to do. Enjoy your new to you car.
Thanks for the replies. @edthefox5 - I'm wondering why you recommend comprehensive. I'm considering liability only to save some money. Quite honestly, the most likely thing to happen to the car is a window broken by a thief, or a dent/scratch while parked. Both of those would be under the deductible amount and I could probably cover that with savings. So, what exactly would I be using comprehensive to cover? Theft, or a car accident that is my fault, like sliding into a pole on a snowy road.
Theft and doesn't take much to incur alot of $$$$ in a small accident with a Prius. $3000 is nothing in a Prius accident. Also windshield and or glass replacement is only covered under comprehensive. Liability covers nothing on the car only personal injury & medical or injury to the affected driver and or occupant depending on your dec. Without comp anything including glass is 100% on your dime. But you know whats best for you financially.
Comprehensive covers damage from nature and theft. Collision covers your car, in the case that it is your fault for an accident, or if the other at fault person is NOT covered. That is also figured in an "uninsured motorist." clause.
In no fault states, In those cases of damage to your car that are not the fault of another driver, insurance is usually offered in two separate choices: Collision and Comprehensive. Collision involves other cars or stationary objects. Comprehensive covers damages to your car caused by something other than a collision, such as fire, theft, vandalism, hail or flood. Comprehensive car insurance also pays for damage caused by hitting an animal, and for a rental vehicle if yours is stolen. Collision insurance is expensive while comprehensive is not. I am a big fan of risk reduction and self-insurance, but generous liability coverage and comprehensive insurance are pretty smart choices for almost everybody. Comprehensive insurance in DC sounds like a no-brainer.
Thanks for your advice. Just got off the phone with the insurance company (USAA). They said I could split the comprehensive and coverage for different deductibles. So, at least for the first couple months I'm in the car (call it a "peace of mind" fee I guess) I elected to cover comprehensive with a low deductible ($100) and collision with a high deductible ($1000). For me, that meant the monthly payments go up from $25 (for state minimums) to $56. Still not sure it's worth it in the long run but I'll re-evaluate in a couple of months.
Advice: Short Answer: Don't worry about it. Here's the deal. There's a "Clark Howard" formula out there about when a car costs you more to insure than to replace, but the purpose of insurance is supposed to be to protect you from a loss that you cannot afford. If you're a single parent working near poverty wages - the formula works a little differently than it would for a TV talk show host pulling down seven figures a year. I have an 06 Envoy with 150K on the clock, and I still have comprehensive on it (it's been paid for for years) but I have a $1,000 deductible and I probably need to drop that---that's ME. Not you. Two drunk rednecks with a skid truck can make a Prius disappear in about 30 seconds, so don't worry about installing some club/lo-jack/viper/mini-gun system. 1. People don't steal Priuses that often. We all already know why. 2. People DO ignore alarms...when they work. 3. Do you want some kid hacking around in your wiring when the car is already 8 years old? You do need to make sure that your car comes with TWO key fobs, or get a second one immediately after you start driving the car. DC probably has a few good locksmiths that can re-program a used key-fob, or you you can (and should) withhold paying for your new car until and unless you get a second fob. A dealer can be used to get a replacement fob for your car as a last resort but they usually try to jack you for hundreds of dollars. Occasionally they will even try the "you have to replace the computer" scam. It's important! Otherwise you will find out just how hard it is for somebody to drive off with a Prius without a key-fob.....which is actually fairly easy IF the car is already running.....but that's another story! Stealing a Prius? Easy---with a skid truck or the right fey-fob. Not easy at all without either one. Good Luck!
I don't worry about my Prius being stolen. I think the sophistication of the thief needed to actually steal my Prius would mean that IF someone had or has targeted it? They are going to steal it regardless of an Alarm. I actually had a co-worker, whose vehicle was stolen by someone who evidently owned a tow truck. They did just back up, hook their vehicle up and drive a way. Other people witnessed it..but just assumed it was being towed for legitimate reasons. But given the nature of The Prius, It would take that type of commitment to stealing it...and if that shark is in your waters? Your not going to stop it with or without an Alarm. I think to the casual thief..The Prius is NOT a tempting target.
You can stop a tow truck and or flatbed hook it if you have an Autopage as the new ones go off if the car is jiggled. Beeper will wake you up and maybe see the tow truck leaving the scene and call the cops. Tow truck and direction at 4 am good odds would get caught. Can set the level of jiggle/glass break alert. I'd have an autopage system if my car was on the streets of bad DC. Kids jiggling door latches, vandalism, and breaking your window to get in to see if anything in the glovebox, armrest or under seats. A Prius is not a poor person car and a good target for smash and grab. Keep all the seats & floors clean and visible front and rear so nothing to tempt a thief. Use a steering wheel lock so the thief knows your aware of thievery and maybe have been hit before and is on the alert. But an Autopage is your best bet. There really nice systems now and really long range like a mile. And to defrankond what is your deductable and limits for $66 a month?
I had an unlocked "the Club" on my beater 2002 van and it was stolen. You couldn't see it was unlocked (they make them like that). I'm thinking of using cell phone with Family Finder and hiding phone with 12V charger. That way I'd also have a back charged cell phone. Reason I'm wanting to drop compressive is it nearly as much as a car payment, and I've never had an accident but have had older cars stolen.