Ok, I did the NAV upgrade back in November. I went from 3.x to 4.x (was hoping i could get the v5, but i jumped the gun). I don't typically use the DVD for navigation, so I didn't notice this error until a few weeks ago. I live in Madison, AL. 3.x showed all the streets fine (some missing streets, but those were newer ones anyway). After the update, the ENTIRE city of Madison, AL does not exist. There is only 1 road that shows up. In fact, a couple of roads that start in Huntsville, AL and go through Madison just stop at the Madison city limits on the map. I know I'm not crazy, because I have a few Marks that the system carried over from my 3.x version (friend's houses). I went to the dealership, and they couldn't figure out the problem. I thought it'd be simple just to give me my 3.x back since it worked, but they said once you upgrade, you can't go back (i'm smelling some B.S. here). Anyone else experience this oddity? Apparently, the dealership put in a troubleshoot to Toyota; still no word on any sort of fix.
While I don't know why Madison, Al disappear on your DVD, it is very common that when you upgrade NAVI-DVD, you can't go back. It is the same for Honda when I did it. It says so on the NAVI-DVD I bought. So the dealer was NOT BS-ing you. You probably could call Toyota and demand for the 5.x update when it becomes available (is it?).
---------------------------- The NAV in this is of course made by Fujitsu-Ten for Toyota. They also make Eclipse aftermarket audio. The Nav Software is identical for both. The interlock bypass also works on the Eclipse unit. We had an issue in which we tried to swap NAV disks for an installed Eclipse 50D NAV for a customer who got a scratched disk. Unit wouldnt take it. There is one option on the bypass screen that looks like it would reset the NAV memory.
I like the "region" setting being off comment. What is your ZOOM set to? Once you do that you should be able to zoom all the way in and see the side roads.
I have to admit that my first thought was that the Region was incorrectly set. But then I read about the dealership not being able to figure it out and hoped that they checked that. But I'm going to try and not assume anything. All I can ask is: "that one road you see running through Madison, is it Hwy 72 or Wall Trail Highway or any other road that's supposed to be there? Also, when you zoom way out, do you see Decatur and Huntsville?"
Yup, the region is set properly. I can search for places in Huntsville, and Decatur as well. My zoom setting is set to one before max-zoom. I've zoomed in and out to no avail. I zoomed in to max to one of my saved points and all it shows is a blank area. In fact, when I pressed the INFO button on that saved point, for a split second it showed the correct address, then it switched to just geo coordinates. The one road I see is Wall Triana, running N-S. There's a road to the east of it called Hughes road that runs parallel to Wall Triana. THat road is not there.
Well, I'm out of suggestions. Unless, of course, you want to move to somewhere thoroughly covered by the NAV.
There might be an issue with your saved points. The older version may use a different algorithm to compute locations of the saved points than the current version does and it's getting confused when trying to put them on the map. I would try to clear all memory and see if that does it. You could write down the Lat/Longs of your current saved points to help get them all back. Good Luck!
I'll give it a try, but I don't see how that will explain only 1 chunk of Alabama missing, and the other surrounding areas are A-OK, including the saved points in those surrounding areas.
Sorry, but there's nothing to fix. I just checked on my NAV (ver. 4.2) and Madison, AL doesn't have any roads on it either. So, it's not a problem with your specific car, but rather that version 4.2 of the NAV disk doesn't have Madison, AL, or apparently any of the surrounding areas. If your previous NAV disc covered your area, then I would complain to Toyota. By upgrading your NAV disk, they gave you much less functionality than you had before. I don't buy the "Can't go back to the previous version" bit. Even if they have to replace a component to do it, they can go back to the previous version.
Navteq makes the map dvd. Let them know about the problem - won't help you now, but will (hopefully) get Madison in the map database the next go-around. Fill out the form at this url. http://update.navteq.com/
I had the same problem going from 3.xxx to 4.2 a lot of local streets etc. were missing all they did was put the old disk back in and things were fine.
It is a bunch of BS that you can't go back to version 3.x. Not only should you complain to Toyota, but definitely make a complaint to NAVTEQ. Good luck!!
Here's an Old Post showing differences in the detailed coverage areas among the various versions. I have some issues with version 4.2 as well. Mostly with it's strong preference for the original routing and the fact that "private roads" seem to be much more common. The dealer is full of BS. All you need is a copy of the older version 3 disk to go back. They may be available on eBay if you can't get the dealer to go through their recycle bin.