Hi all, With regard to fellow driver's attitudes, I was just wondering what ppl.s experience have been like driving around the city on ECO (as opposed to PWR mode). Mine has been quite bad. There seems to be a lot of anger created. People want to get to the red light the fastest they can and take off on green the fastest they can. Heck even a truck behind me got upset for me leaving about 5 car length distance ahead of me (driving at 90km/hr.) And there was full traffic on the two lanes. I just wondered how saving a few microseconds of his journey could raise so much anger. Anyone gets the same? Sad to say, many drivers in my city are very aggressive.
I live in an area where 120 kmh is fairly normal and some of the state highways have periodic lights. Eco is no problem, driving slower than the flow can irritate some. So I normally drive with traffic even though I might get a little less mpg. I am still getting twice the mpg than 99%. It's really not necessary to be in Power mode to stay with traffic (within reason) even at the green light. Just get up to speed and don't make them have to pass you.
At a red light I leave a good car length if not 1.5 between myself and the car in front. That way I can start moving with, or slightly before the car in front of me while accelerating slowly and not have a big gap open up because the car in front stomped on the fuel pedal. This technique works because most drivers kiss the car in front of them and have to wait for that car to safely move forward before they can start moving. How to know when the car in front is about ready to release their brake ? I watch the brake lights of the car two in front of me. Usually easiest seen in the adjacent lane. This might sound complicated but I have driven this way forever (it seems) and comes naturally. Use the crappy habits of the average American driver to your advantage
Or use the habits of the average Australian driver to your advantage if there are no Americans around...
I drive to make myself happy more than others.... but having said that, I am always aware of those around me and make it easy for those who wish to pass me by only to wait for me at the next red light.
I agree keeping up with traffic can be accomplished in eco mode, just push the accelerator harder faster, but the feeling is not good, like it's not very responsive, like it's lagging, and when the traffic suddenly slows you've got to hit the brakes. So the hit hard on accelerator, hit soft on brake cycles seems tedious. At least on pwr mode it can be soft-soft. My experience so far that is. SageBrush, not sure if I can cope with constantly pre-empting turns to green light and moving before it turns green on time I probably get home feeling v. tense.
Nah, same amount of attention required. You just time your start from the car two places ahead of you rather than one, and you start off gently. Think of a rubber band that is stretched and relaxed repeatedly. You end up in the middle of the band rather than the ends.
Yeah I noticed this frequently, but rush to the red light they will. My theory is that ppl are trained to do this, or it's a transferred habit from their shopping experience. Because it's like going to the queues at the counters, if you beat the other guy, you get served first and you come out first.
I recently started running in Eco mode(usually drive in normal mode) to cut down on the battery drain from heavy AC use. Seems to work well and still keeps the cabin comfortable. Took some getting used to the first week, but now I keep up with traffic no problem. Things move a little slower around here anyway in north Americas second most congested city.
Hehe yeah, there's a few around (easy to spot when they drive on the wrong side of the road). But hold on, what did you mean by keeping up with traffic? I'm not driving less than the speed limit, I'm just.... to use SageBrush's illustration, driving like rubber band, slowly accelerating, slowly braking. This is the thing that irritates other drivers, so it seems.
I notice that aggressive drivers have their buttons pushed when 'too big' a gap opens up between cars. My suggestion allows you to reduce the gap and not drive like the dopeys. You might find it interesting and illuminating to stand to the side of the road at a signal and watch the flow of traffic as lights change. The cars bunch up, and then get stringed out as they leave the light. The more aggressive the drivers, the larger the gaps between cars as they start moving. It is the *reverse* of what they actually desire, but few take the time to analyze the problem and adjust.
I drive in ECO mode all the time. I'm retired and "own my own time." I am in no hurry to meet my maker. I get a few creeps that appear to be angry. I just ignore them and even slow down like I don't know what's going on when they honk. I learned a long time, ago, in Driver's ED, that the horn's entire purpose is to warn others of impending danger. However, others use it to express displeasure and aggression. I just keep reminding myself that I am not disappointed with these jerks. When you walk in the cow pasture, you'll going to get some cow manure on your shoes.
i close my eyes and look down when they pass me. i'm hoping they'll think i had a heart attack at the wheel and feel bad for me.
The reverse actually. The aggressive driver has gotten close to the car in front at the red light, and plans to stomp on the pedal when s/he gets going. In order not to risk hitting the car in front that might be driving differently, the driver *delays* the start of movement, and then stomps on the fuel pedal to catch up LOL Each driver in turn adds some 1 - 2 seconds delay to the queue. A car 15 rows back may hit another red light.
No problem for us, we are not in a big city and a lot of the older folks drive under the speed limit. Years ago I had a 73 VW Westphalia, on a good day it could do 65 mph. It was only 42 or 48 hp and almost 4000lbs so the Prius is a rocket compared to the Westy.
The function of ECO and PWR buttons is to re-map the throttle response to pedal and change response of certain vehicle systems such as the air conditioning. Drive as you prefer, including how you prefer to modulate the pedal, whether in ECO or PWR (or "normal").
Exactly, and on ECO mode for me, generate a lot of anger from those behind me because of the slower response.
If no one is behind me I keep it in the ECO band. If someone is behind me I put it in the PWR band and taper off to ECO band as acceleration becomes reasonable/normal. If I am merging onto the interstate I do what it takes to reach the speed limit before getting on the interstate, which goes beyond the PWR band. I try not to be a self centered person and allow my happiness to make others unhappy. Keeping up with traffic has a greater effect on safety then going as slow as the law allows.