I'm running Ubuntu and having difficulty compiling from source. I'm certainly not an advanced programmer or anything, but I write some basic code and often compile packages from source on Linux systems. Usually the process is: ./configure make make install or an INSTALL file lists how to compile it. I see a Makefile, but simply typing "make" throws up an error saying it can't find OS.h. Anyways - anyone been able to compile on a linux system? What's the process?
Sorry I haven't packaged it for Linux for a while so it may need some additional work. Your best bet is to install NetBeans IDE and see if you could import the NetBeans project file. There are multiple OS.h files and you need to locate and point to the one for Linux - under the folder structure something like PriiDash3\OSdep\CygWin. There are also some DOS batch files that won't work for Linux that need to be commented out. NetBeans is easy to use so please give it a try and let me know if it works for you or if you need more help. Good luck!
Jul 2014: Could I run Priidash under Wine? I have a very early (2008) Eee PC 1000 (not the 1000h) which I use for audio instrumentation. I use the machine with the CCRMA kernel from Stanford EDU for digital audio processing. The 1000, reportedly runs Windows quite poorly. With only 40 gB of Phison (32+8) drives and a max of 2 gB SDRAM there really isn't room for Windows. I use the CentOS distribution because I manage so many servers. If OS.h is the only show stopper, it is supplied by numerous X11 and httpd server developement packages. Does Net Beans have any other use? - I prefer Python to Java. I have a 2013 Prius 2.
Maybe PM jb154 to see if he got it compiled? For your gen 3 Prius you will also need to customize the two text files command.txt and formula.txt. See this: How to add or edit items in command.txt and formula.txt | PriusChat