You should be fine. Take 2 weeks to get it. Limit is 55,000 As of July 21, 2014, 44,903 "green" stickers have been issued. Green stickers are valid through January 1, 2019.
I just handed out sticker #50,8## to a client. I have a stack of 41 total on my desk for both buyers and in-stock cars that I am organizing. The highest # was 50,8## and my lowest "new" sticker is $50,7## ... so there are over 50K sent out, on their way to 51K very soon! I'm getting nervous! As a dealer, we worry about allocations and taking more PlugIns that may, eventually, not be able to have HOV decals. It's always something!!!
Your not considering people that got there stickers stolen or damage. Need to factor that in. My was 42,xxxx when the limit was 40,000 at the time
I really hope they will stop green decals after 55,000. If they keep adding more and more decals. Why don't they just get rid of carpool lane then. It's already too many people using that lane in LA
I realize that, but they are off by 6,000? That's 15% for "replacement" stickers? I think the word is out and the you-know-what's hit the fan for those who didn't get them last spring, earlier this summer, and every dealer from Eureka to SD with plug in "anything" plus the BMW i3 REX model, and all the Ford dealers... there was a huge spike in sticker requests apparently.
As for stickers, they are capped at 55K now. That won't increase again. For many reasons, most of them related to traffic in the HOV lanes.
Do we have to put on all 4 stickers? I dont recall seeing those stickers in the front of the car. Does it come off without ruining the paint? Lol I know silly questions but the car is less than 2 months old.
yes, 2 big one on side car. Small one on rear bumper and 1 in driver front bumper. I did it on passenger side. If you make a mistake. Don't take it off. It will say VOID if you do.
...I hear you, but isn't the AB2013 bill still expected to pass in early 2015? Some are thinking this will further increase green stickers. I wouldn't be surprised however if the new HOV bill is not "PiP-friendly"...
Was reading an article that they will cut production after Tesla deal and work on Fuel Cell. R&D costing them too much but nothing show for only 11 miles on a charge
I am freaking out. I bought my PIP on Jun 29th and trusted the dealer to send in the sticker application for me. I called the DMV help desk this week and they don't have my application in the system. The lady told me they are right now processing applications received before July 11th. I have sent in another application just to be sure, assuming dealer did send the app for me. With the new sticker #'s being posted on this forum. I am wondering if I will even get my sticker. What are the options for me? Thanks for your help.
I am in the same boat. But I think the sticker numbers being posted in the forum is disconnected from reality. I had followed it closely last time around when 40K was reached - and it hit the limit was hit soon after this site Eligible Vehicles - Single Occupant Carpool Lane Use Stickers indicated the limit was being reached.
I am kinda freeking out too. I traded in my 2012 prius 2 for a PIP on 7/15. Dealer said it would be two weeks to get my green sticker. I talked to the salesperson today and he assured me the green sticker is coming. You can not apply for another one on your own, because I do not have the license plates. How did you apply when you do not have the license plate yet ?
Unfortunately no. How many of the 15k additional stickers do you think have been preassigned by dealerships already? I'm willing to be it's at least a few thousand now that the majority of dealerships selling plug-ins seem to have caught onto the game. This isn't an issue now while there are an "ample" amount of stickers remaining, but will be once the "available" stickers run out. There will still be plenty around, but it will require shoppers to look around and most definitely pay a markup compared with no stickers. Again, I can't blame you or any dealership on the individual level for doing it, but the system unfortunately is designed to allow for it. Pros and cons as usual. You'll be fine, although I can understand how difficult patience can be on this topic.
Call the dealership. They should be able to find out your license plate number from the DMV a few days after you purchase your car. You can apply without it, but it's not clear if it will guarantee you a sticker. There have been reports of people sending in multiple applications, and having their later ones being sent back with their checks.
Actually I called the dealer, as I noted and my sales guy chased it down. They had just gotten the sticker and he has it in the fedex on my way to me today So, for those who bought on july 15, they should have the stickers any time soon. I will let you guys know the number when I get it tomorrow ? Jack
I'm on my third Prius eligible for HOV stickers have never put on all four. I now have one small one on the passenger side glass under the rear spoiler, the other on the driver side bright trim piece on the front. CHP officers know what they are looking for when checking on cars in the HOV lanes. I do have magnetic material that I cut to the shape of one of the larger stickers, but haven't bothered with displaying a side sticker in years. If I get stopped for not having all four, then I will put them on.