I am a proud owner of my second Prius. My first is a 2001 which has become my wife's car. My 2006 is Driftwood perl with package #7. I'm still learning all the features, especially the voice commands. The 2006 has more power then my 2001 so it is hard keeping the throttle down during the break in period, but I'm trying...
Congratulations!! I know how you feel. I have 350 miles on ODO and got it with 6 miles on it. Today, I think I pressed the throttle down to about half way climing up the hill and was surpised how many "regular" cars I passed. Dennis
Boy.. you are lucky she didn't get the new one and you the hand me down!... Don't worry much about break in.. just drive it.. just don't abuse it and go over 90....or try to drive it more aggresively than you would any other car... "no drag races yet"... I bumped mine up to 90 a few times.... "it gets there before you know it!"... no problemo!
My wife is not into cars so she doesn't mind if I have the new one. With all those toys/gagits inside, its really a man's car. Anyway, I'm keeping the speed and engine stress down so that I break it in nicely like I did the 01. I travel 110 miles a day between work (4 days a week). At that rate I'll have 600 miles on it in no time. This is a great site!!!
I know. I use to think 25 miles each way was too far. But had to move since hosing prices close to work is obscene. So the tradeoff is to travel. Thankfully I have my Prii burning just over 2 gals a day.
Figured that would strike a few nerves. I keep wanting to think this is a man's car but everytime I see one a woman is behind the wheel.
My wife says its a man's car with all those gadgets I got in it. I see a lot more Prii on the road now where I am and there are good mix of both driving genders behind the wheel.
Hello, Just wanted to say we just purchased our first Prius(06 #2 Black/tan). And, so far (1,700mi.) we love it. BTW it's officially "her's" but I drive it every chance I get.hehe