I'm getting a new-to-me Prius (2006) in a few days. I'd like to keep track of its lifetime gas usage/mileage, etc for the time that I own it. The most likely scenario is using an iPhone to enter data as I fill up at the pump, then after a while, export the data. Seems like there would be a simple app for something like that. The ones I have seen online are more geared toward tracking your driving for business purposes, but they are overkill. Anyone have a suggestion of a simple app for just tracking gas usage and mileage?
(My phone is Android, but I am listing iPhone versions I have not actually used) Just to track fuel economy I use Fuelly - Track and Compare your MPG. They have a phone app. FAQ: What is Fuelly Mobile for phones? For actual time and mileage to every destination tracking, I use TripLog TripLog - GPS Mileage Log Tracker on the App Store on iTunes
Fuelly looks good - do you know if they plan to add a method of tracking all expenses including tire changes, oil, repairs, etc? It would be nice to have one place to keep track of all of that.
I do not. Triplog has features for that I have not used. Fuelly may have such features I have not discovered/wanted.
At present there is no tracking of expenses but you can track tire changes, oil, repairs, etc by making a note to record the event. I believe I read that the recent "behind-the-scenes" changes will allow them to add expense tracking in the future. Apparently, it is a feature that has been frequently requested.
Take a look at aCar. I use it on Android, I assume that it's available for ios too. Let's you track everything and even import old data. I've got data in there for my 5 current cars, plus 3 previous ones. I can get average mpg, graphs, cost per mile and more. They were just bought by Fuelly with promised updates to come.
Gas Cubby is another option. However, I have noticed some bugs occasionally when entering a "partial" fill-up. MPG calculations dont always get calculated correctly when combining a partial and full fill-up.
I use fuelly, and when I changed the oil, wiper blades, ect... just top off the tank and make a note I just wish I could the wife to use fuelly with her vue...