Noticed there is some widening of the gap between the rear bumper and the bodywork as it approaches the taillight. Don't think it's been hit in the rear, no evidence of such. I know there's only a few fasteners involved in removing and installing it. Some along the bottom, in the wheel wells and along the rub strip to the trunk. The rest are clips all over the place. Anyone else have saggy butt syndrome and been able to fix it? Wondering if going in checking and retightening some of the fasteners would take care of it.
Hit whilst parked. I bet if you look really carefully you'll see a scuff mark where some miscreant has hit you. My rear bumper is still fairly flush despite being hit by a truck pushing me off the road in erm, a misunderstanding at a junction . They're very solid. The only damage is a 3 inch gouge in the bumper where contact was made on the drivers side. The bumper itself still hangs on nicely and solid. How you can fix yours if it's sagging is one for someone else to answer. All I'm trying to say is that the bumpers are well attached and unlikely to just sag off without some outside force.
I broke more little plastic clips just removing the rear bumper, some of them there puppies are expensive. You should get a assortment to keep on hand before you start plucking anything off.
Did you ever get to the bottom of this? I've noticed the gap being more sloppy than it should. I've loosened the bumper cover twice with my taillight swapping. I'm suspicious I may have unclipped something without realizing it.
Anyone remember the cars prior to the mid-80's. When bumpers actually worked as bumpers. Now the *&%% things can't even hold themselves to the car!
Yup, my 2011 Prius has it. In my experience, you're pretty much out of luck. I was under 36k, the dealership actually replaced the entire bumper. It was only a slight improvement. It's simply a poor design, with the bumper on a prius using unconventional materials that likely warp in heat. I have noticed it more so the black and dark blue models. I've have even seen a certified preowned unit in the toyota dealership with the bumper sagging. It's a flaw toyota is fully aware of. Totally drives me nuts when I look at it.
Mine has this plus a liitle bit on the front bumper, it is normal for our cars, like us it starts sagging as it ages.
Finally did some research and found various solutions today. I'm ordering new side support brackets: Drivers side: Passenger side: Here's how they go in: There is also an additional stainless reinforcement piece available from Kenstyle Japan that supports the rearmost portion of the bracket by adhering to the bumper cover and sliding over the top of the side retainer. Hard to get unless you have a contact in japan or want to pay crazy shipping fees. Not hard to make though: KENSTYLE 純正リアバンパー用 補強プレート|PRIUS/TOYOTA|Parts Reviews|チャンモリ|Minkara - The Car & Automobile SNS (Blog - Parts - Maintenance - Mileage) Here's how it goes on:
If someone can post the dimensions of that bracket I could draft up a nice pdf and post it. It's interesting in the video, the troubles with the "jacking point". Toyota does not reinforce that point adequately (if at all). He'd be better off just using the rear central jacking point, raise the whole rear. Just inboard of the official (and woefully inadequate) jacking points, there is a heavily reinforced zone, better for jack stands.
When I get my Toyota parts and have it apart I'll do some CAD (Cardboard Aided Design) and figure out what dimensions they should be.
Love it. I was coerced from the drafting board to AutoCAD back in '89. I was very reluctant/suspicious, and then within a week I was an AutoCAD evangelist, lol.