Dear Prius drivers, I am a graduate student at the UC Davis Plug-in Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Research Center (Plugin-in Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Research Center). In our research at the PH&EV center, we are currently studying the impact of "Connected Cars" on the attractiveness of plug-in electric vehicle driving. The term "Connected Car" refers to vehicles equipped with an Internet connection and mobile apps from the smartphone world to interact with their environment. At the moment, we are assessing how these mobile apps and innovative connectivity concepts can increase consumer acceptance for plug-in electric vehicles. To this aim, we are conducting a short online survey (10-15 minutes). It is open to everybody who is interested; however, we are particularly looking for plug-in electric vehicle drivers to answer our questions. In the survey, we will introduce you to four different connectivity concepts and apps and ask you a couple of questions about your respective opinion. You could help our center a lot by participating in the survey via the following link: Questionnaire Furthermore, I would like to use the opportunity to ask you about your expectations towards mobile apps for EVs and encourage a discussion in this forum: Which type of apps would you like to be able to use for your electric vehicle? Which functionalities could improve consumer acceptance for EVs? Thanks in advance, Jens
Its a very interesting survey. I found the suggested apps interesting but not of great usefulness in deciding what plug-in vehicle to purchase. There are so many other factors to consider. I also find that lumping all electric vehicles in with plug-in hybrids greatly influenced my responses and probably makes my responses of less use when analyzing the results. I would never consider an all electric vehicle for our one-vehicle household until recharging is as convenient as present gas stations and takes less than 1/2 hour for a full charge. Perhaps hydrogen fuel cell vehicles....
CaliforniaBear, First of all: Thanks for participating! We tried to design the survey in a way that drivers of all plug-in electric vehicle classes (plug-in hybrids as well as all-electrics) can answer the questions. PHEV drivers of course gain different experience with their vehicles than drivers of all electrics, which might influence their responses when taking our survey. We would like to find out if PHEV drivers show a different response behavior than BEV drivers (or participants who have no experience with plug-ins at all), that's why we are "lumping" them all together
Thanks for the encouraging comment! We tried to design the survey in a way that it is interesting and worthwhile for everybody to take part - I hope we succeeded in doing so
Hey folks, Thanks to everybody who has already taken our survey! Just a quick reminder: Our survey is running for another 24 hours. We've had over 250 participants so far, but only around 20 Prius Plug-in drivers. Whoever has 10 free minutes, please support us and take part till tomorrow, 6 pm EST. We are now particularly looking for more Prius owners in order to analyze the response behavior of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle drivers. Thanks, Jens
Wow I'm in a minority for answering the survey. Oh wait, I own a PiP, I'm already in a minority. What was I thinking.
I would love to participate if I had any access to a "connected car app!" I have none because Toyota has seen fit to ignore those of us who live outside the Lower-48.
I was referring to the "vehicles equipped with an Internet connection and mobile apps from the smartphone" mentioned in the OP.
If you read the description of the survey in the initial post you will see what Greg is talking about.
I took the survey and answered the best I could. As a UCD alumni, it is great to see the university research PHEV and BEV. Depending on market conditions and infrastructure, we are considering a electric vehicle for the next car.
Well... I went and took the survey. Was just going to see what they were asking, and the only way I could do that was to take it... I found it interesting but rather, ah... kind of like telling the sex of a skunk. Easy to do but why would you want to know? I don't have a "Smart" phone anyway. Doubt if I will ever have one as I can't see any real reason for me to get one. I have a plain old wired phone here at home and a dumb cell phone that I can use in an emergency away from home (I have had it two and half years and turned it on 5 or 6 times so far. Actually did make 3 calls so far as well). No texting, no voice messaging, no playing poker while I'm drive... None of that stuff. Personally I think the more distractions they build into the car the less safe it becomes. When I am driving, I drive... Have little use for any of the stuff mentioned in the survey. Hell, I rarely answer the damn phone at home.... Figured they should have at least one person to moderate the outcome of the survey...... (some snark above, BTW....)
The questions are about what would you think of several different types of apps. Its not about apps that you may have because none of the apps in the survey actually exist. They want to know if you think any of the suggested apps would be useful and would effect your driving habits. I believe your answers would be useful even if you have no actual interest in the suggested apps. Take the survey and you will see what I mean.