If a dealer ever tried to talk me into rustproofing I'd have to say "I don't think so. Maybe I should look at other manufacturers if this one's paint isn't good enough to protect against rust that it needs additional protection."
I just don't buy it or the paint sealant or any of that stuff. It is a ripoff and just adds more profit to the dealer's bottom line. Don't buy extended warranties either.
Agreed. It is pure profit for them. When buying my Prius I saw several people walking out of the finance area with boxes of scotch guard and wax. A huge waste. iPhone ?
The Prius is still made in Japan. Very reliable and unmatched quality as far as I'm concerned. I had a 2011 Prius Two. I just traded it in on a new Avalon. The Prius had 48,000 miles on it when I traded it, zero problems. The Avalon is a nice car but it is made here. I just doubt if the quality of the Avalon will be as good as the Prius. Maybe, maybe not. Certainly did not need an extended warranty for the Prius. I won't buy one for the Avalon either. I think you will drive your Prius for a very long time before you will have to spend a cent on it for repairs.
Probably so. I normally do all repairs and maintenance myself, when I can, tools permitting. But with the Prius I don't have the know how to do it with confidence so I will be at the mercy of the dealer.
One of the main reasons I traded in my 2013 Focus ST for a 2011 CPO Prius II was the reliability. I feel more confident driving this one for 100K than I would my Ford. It had 35,600 miles on it, original owner, all maintenance records, new tires, full Toyota Certified Pre Owned warranty, $17,689.
That's what I have heard and believe to be the case. Thankfully I've never had a dealer try to talk me into anything other than the Toyota dealer desperately trying to talk me into buying Toyoguard extended warranty, maintenance plan, paint protection (glorified wax) and fabric protection (scotchguard). Ford dealer asked if I wanted the extended warranty, the husband and I talked in private for a min, guy came back and we said no, he just proceeded with the paperwork and we were done.
The "closers" can pretty bad, in the same league as oily telemarketers. They KNOW what they're doing is pure BS, so maybe try levelling with them? Something along the lines of: "I'm tired of listening politely, you're not going to get anywhere with this, can you stop wasting my time?".
I'll have to try that. I'm still new to car buying and negotiating, this is only the 2nd car I've ever bought myself. My husband will need one some day and I can use that strategy then. I know how to haggle and I think I'm pretty smart so I won't get suckered into anything. In fact I didn't get any extras on my car from the dealer. I wanted leather and I could have gotten it from the dealer for $1,800 but I called the place that they use and they quoted me $1,100. I got the windows tinted at the same place the dealer uses for $170 while they would have charged $300 at the dealers. I want to get the paint protection film done but haven't yet as the place that I found online is like 45 min away so finding the time is hard.
I just bought a 2010 Prius II with 45,000 miles. Its a certified car from the dealer.We got the Limited power train warranty . We paid extra and got a bumper t0 bumper warranty for another 4 years 55,000 miles. Seemed like the right thing to do with all the electronics on this car. Also got life time window tint warranty , free life time car wash , life time tire rotation, two years free maint, loner car or shuttle service if needed. Seemed like a good deal.