Hello, So I've seen all the similar threads regarding the location of the XM tuner so I can switch out the poor factory antenna but I see no clear location specified for a 2012 Prius. The closest location I saw was from a posting by GeoGeek that pretty much said there is no specific location for this tuner. He mentions several possible locations. Is that because they're usually dealer installed? Before, I start tearing into my car, has anyone been able to find their's? Mine is not under the fronts seats, that I know. Anyone know how the rear seat comes out, lift from the front or back? Thank you for any help you can provide. Regards, Hans
Mine is under the rear seat. If I remember correctly I just pulled up quickly and sharply on the front of the seat. Pops off. MC
Humm, sorry, didn't register that you have a 2012. My 08 is on the right side under the rear seat near the wheel well.
Thanks for your help. I'm giving up trying to find it, more trouble than it's worth. Instead, I ordered an XM Onyx unit that I can plug into my aux. input and be done with it. Since I use XM all the time, it's worth the $69.00 so I can listen to what I want. I had XM resend the signal and that didn't work either. My Bluetooth phone and AM/FM works fine. It's just strange that for almost two years the XM worked without a hiccup and then the trouble started. Some battles aren't worth fighting and this seems to be one of those. Regards, Hans
Has anyone been able to figure this out? I just bought my 2012 and get practically zero reception. I get reception on like one mile stretch of highway in Phoenix and no where else....
Has anybody ever tried the whole get free for life thing by unplugging the tuner for 3 months right when your about to loose service and letting XM send the disconnect signal and keeping the radio off till they stop sending it ??
I have a 2011 Prius III that brings the JBL radio. My XM antenna goes straight into the radio. I bought one of those Terk Micro2 antenas because the stock one wasnt working. The connections wasnt the right one so I cut the cables and soldered them together. Now I have perfect signal with no drop outs.
Is there an easy way to get to the stock antenna line aside from behind the dash. Like where does it run, that I could splice into it.