I was wondering how accurate the estimated miles in the tank is? For the next two days I will have a 204 mile commute. The Prius estimates I have 210 miles left. Should I be able to make it? Also does the estimated miles also include EV miles from charges? Thanks.
That estimate can be off by 80 miles, almosr 2 gallons should still be in your tank. But just to be safe, I would fill up before leaving.
Of course, if the commute for the next two days is at an unusually high mpg, you won't... You might want to reevaluate after the first day, and remember that the estimated range includes the EV miles. Having managed a couple of 1,000 mile tanks, I now fill up around the second pip.
YMMV. "My" Prius (2010 G3) has an 11.8 gallon tank if the manual is correct. I drive until I hear the BEEEEEP and the MDF tells me that I'm low on gas. This happens when the DTE=20. Then I drive another 50-70 miles and I'm able to put as much as 10.2 gallons into the tank. If my car gets 50 MPG this means that the DTE value is off by even more than 80-gallons. The Pips have a smaller fuel tank, but I'd be willing to bet that they have a working reserve similar to my garden-variety G3. The important thing is to determine what your car has for range when the last little bar starts flashing - or? You can put the give-a-crap switch in the "don't" position and just get fuel when the beeeeeeeep happens.....or a little bit before that....or a lot before that. I'm not sure how the Pip treats EV miles, but my guess is that it's similar to the how the EV miles are treated in the plebeian G3.....they just have to add a zero since the Pip is good for 10 miles in EV instead of just one. Good Luck!
I just keep an eye on the Fuel Level display in Torque and decide from there when to fill up if I'm trying to push the tank as far as I can. Definitely have close to 2 gallons (in my PiP) when it beeps and goes to flashing pip. Most often, though, I wind up having to top off the tank before a road trip anyway, so I never even get that far.
it's only as accurate as your current mpg's equal the average mpg's it's based on. for me, my mpg's don't change much. and with the 2 gallon reserve, there's nothing to worry about. when the last pip starts flashing, look for a gas station, because it won't warn you again. and it does include ev charge.
Last PiP flashing? I haven't seen this. I have only filled up twice and usually fill when there are two bars left. Is there a picture of a PiP flashing when the fuel is low! Thanks everyone for the replies.
The meter goes down to 1 pip first, then next level down would be the flashing......then you run out of gas.
When I am either on the last pip or when it begins to flash, I get gas shortly. The average is a little more than 8 gallons per fill up.
I just filled yesterday. The last pip wash flashing and the computer said that I had 5 miles remaining. Took 8.5 gallons, so still almost 2 gallons remaining in tank. (BTW.......927 miles on that 8.5 gallons!)
I tried to get a picture of flashing bar, but all I could get was a picture of one bar or a picture of no bar. My picture would just not flash! Sorry.
I am curious about the statement that DTE includes EV. I recall having my DTE down to 5, but had kept 10 in EV so that I could get to a gas station if I needed to. Of course, like others it only took 8.5 gallons to fill. Darn, it will be 2 months before we need gas again, so I cannot verify this anytime soon.
The DTE does not just add 10 miles for EV. It takes into account your EV estimate and your battery SOC. If you drive down a long downhill you can watch your DTE increase. Mike