Could use a little direction, monumental task, fuse box must be replaced after accident broke housing. I have a donor from a 2011... But this is not Plug and Play as some brands are ?
pm member jzchen. He had his Prius v engine fuse box and other stuff disassembled for his oem DRL project.
Click on "Start a conversation" just under your member name on the post above and put jzchen in the Participants box. Add your message and send.
You can give out a "Like" to members who help you or post something meaningful to you as well. Welcome to the forums. SCH-I535
Got your pm. I'm thinking you should be able to post pictures now. Probably good to take some so we can give you a better opinion. I've opened a Prius c fuse box to get what I wanted out, but honestly haven't opened the Prius v one I have. Look at the stuff inside the boxes you have. Compare to see if everything is populated the same. This is "monumental" because from my experience there are a lot of wires/stuff in there, and just getting the DRL part out was a task! With all the different models it would be amazingly lucky to find that the donor box you got matches up exactly with the one in your car. If it were the case that they match up then you could just chop all the wires off and reconnect, but I'm afraid I have the feeling it isn't so. Were you able to access/find the wiring diagrams? This is the site I was referring to: Helpful as usual! Be there soon. Thirsty?
Hey I found a new page that might help us, @ Paul's Travel Pictures, Site Name. Secondary Header, I'll see what he knows Toyota Prius Electrical Fuse Replacement Guide Toyota Prius Electrical Fuse Replacement Guide - Gen III 2010 to 2013 Model Years - Picture Illustrated Automotive Maintenance DIY Guide also 2010-2013 Toyota Prius Hybrid Hatchback Common Problems, Repair Guides, & Vehicle Maintenance DIY Instructions
Those are just generic instructions on replacing blown fuses. You are talking about major disassembly around some pretty involved circuits and wiring harnesses for removal and replacement of the fuse box housing. SCH-I535
Yes ! this simple stuff. Mr jzchen referred me to Toyota TIS Technical Information System, Rental Wiring Schematics, Those are going to be very High Tech. stuff. Be careful what you do, be careful what you cut. "Remember when riding 2 wheel vehicles, put you feet down on the ground when stopped, it hurts to fall down."
I don't get what you are trying to say. You asked about changing the fuse box housing. We are telling you it is a very involved operation, not simple at all. You will definitely need schematics from the TIS to accomplish it. SCH-I535
Thanks, I get what you are saying this complex. An I'm making light of a complex operation, just to break a tense time consuming procedure into a can-do task. @ 21 years of age I was a Plane Captain at a Transit Airport, when not Servicing Planes, I was part of a Check Crew pulling Periodic Airframe and Power Plant Checks on Fighter Jet Aircraft, guaranteeing Airworthy Flight Safety. Plus training as a Inflight Engineer on a Multi Engine Anti Sub Warfare Aircraft. That's Being responsible for a single aircraft & crew flying for hours on end over an Ocean's expanse.
Great credentials. Maybe you can post a guide to help jz out with his project involving his fuse box? Good luck on your project! SCH-I535
There is a lot of information in the repair manuals for a 2011 Prius. I prefer hard copies. I would purchase them directly from Toyota Materials Distribution Center. I just found the MDC info here: Toyota Parts and Service They are also available for what seems to be a little bit more at Service Manuals, Owner Manuals, Wiring Diagrams, Service Bulletins - Helm Incorporated, though I don't know after shipping/tax. The shop/service manuals are 5 volumes, just glancing in the $900 range for the set! The electrical wiring diagram, which seems separate, is $213.33. That is why I referred you to TIS directly, all information is available there as well. I don't know how many volumes a plane manual might have, but comparing to our '04 Sienna and '99 GS400, this is a lot! You've got a lot of experience under your belt, and that is good. You might also get some good ideas from others here. Sometimes there is an easier way to solve the same problem. I have to take into account my strengths and weaknesses. I am good with lots of wires, but am poor at soldering/crimping. I hence would rather deal with the complex wiring before just cutting and pasting. Maybe you can try to scan the car for DTCs/Error codes. I actually bought the Mongoose Pro cable and it is sitting at my house. Sometimes, the codes are not helpful, but.... Do you have anyone near you that you can do this? Are you able to isolate the drain you mentioned? Anyways, my problem is that the Prius v box has two clips in the middle layer that pins into the fender. I need to slide the whole assembly to pop them out, but there are inverter control coolant hoses, an some sort of plastic clip in the way of the bottom bolt of the box. The way the car is positioned in the garage, I'll probably have to put it back together, back it in, and then have enough room to get to the bottom of things. This has kind of demoralized me and I have let it sit there like the pictures I posted for over a month now I think.... So you know that it is divided into 3 layers. You have determined that you have to replace all three because? The top, being the lid, is super easy. The bottom may/may not be so easy from personal experience with two used, one Prius c and one Prius v, fuse boxes I have in hand, and the middle, well, the nightmare.