I did search for this but did not find an answer to this specific question.....my apologies in advnace if it has already been covered. I just picked up a 2005 with 68K. Really liking the car. A lot. It drives well, etc. I've noticed that my battery will only charge up to the second to last bar and turn green, but it never seems to charge that last green bar. Is this normal or is just a common sign that the battery is getting old and less efficient? I am not too concerned because my MPG so far is above 50 (due to a 250 round trip following lots of big trucks). Just wondering if it is a sign of battery trouble heading my way. Thanks in advance.
You might do well to consider investing in a ScanGauge II (or two) so that you'll be able to monitor the Soc (StateOfCharge), the BtV (TractionBatteryVoltage), and the BtA(+/-) (charge going in/out of Traction Battery), plus things like Battery Temperature, RPM (of ICE), ICE Coolant Temp, plus other useful stuff. You can only display 4 X-Gauges at a time, so there's the incentive to get two SG IIs. hope this helps - and if you decide to go that route, there are many helpful folk here only too willing to help you out with setting up the SG IIs. - Wil. BTW - I've found that the "bar-graph" on the main display is only approximate. (SG II is far more accurate!) - Oh, and Welcome to PriusChat!
Nope, normal. Generally it only charges to 6 bars, one below turning green, using the engine (like driving at a fixed speed on flat ground). Regen by braking or going down hills is usually needed to push it into the green. I wouldn't worry about the battery unless it starts making rapid fluctuations in charge level without a good reason. 6 to 2 bars in a few minutes going up a steep hill at 80MPH with the AC on is normal, 6-2 bars in a few minutes cruising at 45MPH on flat ground is bad.
Flatlanders may never see the top bar displayed. The car is saving some room for regeneration on significant downhills, such as the immediate 400 foot descent on one of the routes away from my house.
I thought I had even read somewhere that the top bar never fills. I live in the flat state of Nebraska (means flat water in Oto Indian) and I was so surprised to see it filled the other day that I took a picture .
I seem to remember seeing all "greenies" on ChuggyPig's main display, and the SG II showed ~87%, and down at the other end, I've had 2 violet bars and the SG II showed 40% (go figure!)
Yep like Fuzzy says us Flatlanders have never seen that last green bar. My car has never seen a big hill.
Wow, thanks everyone for the responses. What a great community of owners on PC. WillDavis, I actually have a SGII that I've used in previous gas hogs I've had. I think I'll do 2 things. First, install the SGII just because I am a data guy and like to geek out on #s. I do need a second SGII - LOL. And second, not be concerned about not seeing that last green bar. Sounds like my car and battery is operating exactly as it should. So much to learn about these cars. I am still scratching my head as to why I didn't get one years ago. Thanks again.
The car tries to keep the battery between 40 and 80% to make it last longer. NiMH batteries generally last around 500 cycles, while a Prius' lasts many thousands.
You'd have to be braking down a really long downhill (lots of time in the CHG) and then it will go to the full 8 bars. Just getting to 7 bars is normal. (Also not seeing below 2 bars I think is normal.)