My lil sis just gave me wireless bluetooth headphones for my iPod, and i got to thinkinging... wouldn't it be cool if the bluetooth adapter that plugs into my iPod would transmit to the car in addition to the headphones? Then i wouldn't even have to plug it in...
Defiantly, and while we are at it interfacing with a Bluetooth computer or better yet AirPort functionality in the Prius. Some day?!
There are products that allow this - all toyota would have to do is add it to the available BT profiles.
I wished very hard in the direction of my Prius for such ability, to no avail. I even attempted to join the sender part of a Bluetooth eadphone set to the car. Didn't work because the headphones use the advanced stereo audio profile (forgot the exact name). So, instead of waiting for Toyota to pull their thumbs from their ***, I am a few components away from integrating a computer to the car, which will allow such things as bluetooth sound in, not to mention as much hard drive space as I can find space for in the car. How many songs fit in 300Gb again?
not sure on 300 GB, but i've got about 17.5k songs in 80 gigs here... you can do the math, but i'm not sure if i could find more songs anywhere...
I wish I could hook my Axim X50v PDA to my MFD. Anyone hear of such a thing? Since the Axim is a touch screen device and the MFD is touch screen they could work together. There is a VGA out cable for the Axim and it has WiFi and Bluetooth. Wildkow
Grin...That's about 65.6k songs, if I could ever get that many. I tend to collect audio books, though. They can be up to 4Gig a pop, so they can fill a drive fast.
Thats a tough one. Does the Axim have a serial input port? You should be able to get the Axim's video onto the MFD using a CAN-View and a VGA-to-TV Converter. Find one that outpus RGB+Sync to a scart cable. (GrandTec makes one) The Can-View can also harvest the touch screen presses and send them out via a serial port. I have no idea how to get that data to an Axim if it dosn't have a serial port. If it does, you'll need to write something that converts the screen coords from the CAN-View to screen presses on the Axim. Or, you could install a carputer with bluetooth that interfaces with the car via CAN-View, then get it to do the serial work and have it communicate with the Axim via bluetooth.
There was a question about the possible problems with bluetooth viruses on the Lexux navigation system. Assured by Toyota that the nav system is the same in the Prius, a testing group tried to infect a Prius. The only problem the testing was able to cause to have the Prius shutdown unexpectedly. And that was due to their not having the Prius ready and in park, so the battery discharged. Probably the major factor in this success was that the Nav system will only accept a few well defined protocol messages needed for cell phone operation.