When my daughter was born my son was very excited, for awhile. Then he learned that instead of a playmate, he had competition. So one night while putting him to bed he said to me in all seriousness "daddy, when this baby dies, let's not get another one". I almost exploded trying not laugh...
"If it's a boy, he's going straight into the dumpster!" Fortunately, the latest addition to the family is another neice.
Oooh. I've got a good one, and it is even Prius-related. Can be found on my Prius hitch page. But I'll put it here too. http://www.darelldd.com/ev/prius_hitch.htm My 5-year-old daughter Kyra was playing in the driveway when the UPS guy arrived with my new trailer hitch. One flange was a bit bent….so I took it over to the tree in the front to bang it straight (this is actually part of the instructions! - and it worked REALLY well)... but anyway – Kyra: Daddy, what are you doing? Me: I’m straightening this. Kyra: Are you going to straighten the tree in the back yard too?
On Long Island there is a shopping mall named after Walt Whitman who was born nearby. My five year old son said "Why did they name a poet after a shopping mall?"
Yesterday, in a park. My son, 6, is swinging beside a girl, 5. She is quite good at it. My son says, "are you self-taught?"
I took my then six year old boy to see the Body Worlds exhibition at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. I went with a bit of apprehension because the exhibit was quite graphic, its dissected real life people. However, the educational promise won over my apprehension. We were standing in front of the exhibit with a bunch of other people when my son suddenly asks not so quietly. "Are these real people!?". Everyone around us froze. I decided to go with the truth, "Yes son. These are real people". He pressed on asking, "Are they dead?". I braced myself for much screaming and subsequent nightmares while answering, "Yes son, they are dead". My son gives me the biggest smile and says loudly: "COOOL!!".