Okay so it was $1 plus the shipping, but I love it when someone sets a low start price, has no reserve, and no one else on eBay appears to be interested. Now if I could just find a deal like that on the rest of the floor mats, I'd be set. I do feel bad for the person selling it though. $1 doesn't pay for the gas to get it to UPS, especially if they sold their Prius already.
I saw this one. Thought it would be out priced and never rechecked. Good deal. I had a like new full set sell for 75.00 on CL. Missed that too.
I had an item like that. It was a windshield washer reservoir that ended for less than $1 shipped. They never shipped it.
Well I have a tracking number UPS on it's way to me. Hopefully it's a cargo liner and not a 'stinky special surprise' in a box. The UPS site says 5 pounds, that would be a lot of crap.
BTDT on both sides of the no-reserved one-bid auctions. I didn't mind losing a buck or two sometimes because the parts went to people who could use them, and I was clearing up space around the house. Better than just tossing the stuff, and much better than dealing with Craigslist rabble, which mostly consists of car hustlers in my area, trying to get something for nothing. Venue 8 Pro 5830 ?
I used to sell a lot of stuff on Craigslist and I agree with you. You either get the rare person that wants it and just pays asking price or you get the person that wants it for nearly free.